Geeklog Demo Site Update
- Monday, November 17 2014 @ 08:03 pm EST
- Contributed by: Anonymous
- Views: 9,880

As of today (November 17th, 2014), the Geeklog Demo Sites will be moved to a new hosting provider. This change will take up to a day to complete. During this move, the old Geeklog Demo version 1.8.2 will be depreciated and no longer be available. The current demo of Geeklog 2.1.0 can be found at
The demo site has all the core plugins installed plus the forum plugin. A number of Geeklog themes are installed along with the Theme Switcher plugin which makes it easier to check out the more popular themes available for Geeklog. Remember, the demo site is reset on an hourly basis with the default settings. This means any changes made to the site will be lost in an hour or less.
If you have any questions, please comment on this article or, post your thoughts in the General Geeklog Discussion forum.
Michael (Ironmax) Geeklog Demo Administrator