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Geeklog Demo Site Update

  • Monday, November 17 2014 @ 08:03 pm EST
  • Contributed by: Anonymous
  • Views: 9,880

As of today (November 17th, 2014), the Geeklog Demo Sites will be moved to a new hosting provider. This change will take up to a day to complete. During this move, the old Geeklog Demo version 1.8.2 will be depreciated and no longer be available. The current demo of Geeklog 2.1.0 can be found at http://demo.geeklog.net.

The demo site has all the core plugins installed plus the forum plugin. A number of Geeklog themes are installed along with the Theme Switcher plugin which makes it easier to check out the more popular themes available for Geeklog. Remember, the demo site is reset on an hourly basis with the default settings. This means any changes made to the site will be lost in an hour or less.

If you have any questions, please comment on this article or, post your thoughts in the General Geeklog Discussion forum.


Michael (Ironmax)
Geeklog Demo Administrator

Updating your Geeklog CMS

  • Tuesday, July 15 2014 @ 02:08 am EDT
  • Contributed by:
  • Views: 19,667
Announcements Updating one or many Geeklog sites do not must be an issue. This is how I do the job: I prepare the files with the necessary modifications for a single site, then I upload all files by ftp for a first site. I updated this site using the dedicated script and I check everything works perfectly. Then I repeat this process for each site.

Steps to update your Geeklog CMS

Geeklog 2.1.0

  • Saturday, July 12 2014 @ 10:02 am EDT
  • Contributed by:
  • Views: 13,469

Geeklog 2.1.0 is now available for download.

There are a number of new features and fixes with this version of Geeklog. The major ones include:

  • Integrated Caching Template Library original developed by Joe Mucchiello
  • Speed increases by added configurable caching support for blocks, staticpages, the topic tree structure and articles
  • New OAuth login methods supported (Google, Microsoft, Yahoo)
  • New Advanced Editor System that allows developers to easily to add new javascript editors. The CKEditor 4.3.2 is now the default advanced editor for Geeklog
  • Updated to jQuery 1.10.2 and jQuery UI to 1.10.3
  • Added a Filemanager

The complete list of features and fixes can be found in the history.txt file located in the release under the docs directory. You can also read this article for more information.

Please note: With Geeklog 2.1.0 plugins developed for Geeklog 1.8.2 or older which install and/or access blocks, or access article topics, most likely will be not compatible. If you use any plugins that perform these functions please check with the plugin developer to make sure they are compatible before upgrading Geeklog. If you are not sure about 1 or more plugins and still wish to upgrade your Geeklog website then either disable the plugin(s) or uninstall it. All Core plugins have been updated and support Geeklog 2.1.0

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