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Geeklog.org needs a pointer

  • Saturday, October 27 2001 @ 09:38 pm EDT
  • Contributed by: Anonymous
  • Views: 6,295
Geeklog.net Why not point geeklog.org to the sourceforge site, so that it still serves some purpose?

Tane Sez: We did intend to do this, but never got around to it. This will hopefully be done sometime in the near future.

MySQL 4.0 has escaped!

  • Thursday, October 18 2001 @ 03:52 am EDT
  • Contributed by:
  • Views: 5,685
Geeklog.net MySQL 4.0 has been announced and released onto the world.

Here is the blurb from the site:

"The long awaited version 4.0 of the MySQL database is now available for download at the MySQL website. The new version is intended as a platform for building mission critical, heavy load database solutions, and much effort has been put into providing a solid foundation for planned enhancements, some of which are included from the start. Although the current release is an alpha version, the development team expects to release a beta version after rapid initial testing and will also add a number of new features in the weeks to come."

Hopefully Geeklog will soon be MySQL 4.0 fully-compliant, and we'll keep you up to date on that.

Were not dead yet!

  • Sunday, October 14 2001 @ 07:04 am EDT
  • Contributed by:
  • Views: 6,610
Geeklog Well, things have been a little quiet around here for the past few weeks or so and you might be wondering whats up.

Well, just to let you know, Geeklog 1.3 is going well. Development is now at full pace on getting a beta out this week, with release soon after that.

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