Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Thursday, February 13 2025 @ 03:36 am EST

Translations Badly Needed

  • Friday, December 14 2001 @ 09:23 am EST
  • Contributed by:
  • Views: 6,047
Announcements Now that the 1.3 release is just around the corner we are really wanting translations for geeklog! Here is what I know we have covered right now:
  • French (France)
  • French (Canadian)
  • Italian
  • Spanish
  • If you are a Geeklog user from abroad that would like to translate Geeklog head over to CVS and get the latest english.php and have at it! Please send all translations to me at tony@tonybibbs.com

    Site Upgraded to 1.3!

    • Thursday, December 13 2001 @ 07:26 pm EST
    • Contributed by:
    • Views: 7,248
    Announcements No, 1.3 is not out yet but we are very close. Upgrading this site will allow us to test the system under a decent load to see if any unusual bugs surface. For the most part the upgrade went well. There were a few problems, however, that I will explain if you click 'read more'...

    Altering the Calendar

    • Tuesday, December 11 2001 @ 05:36 pm EST
    • Contributed by:
    • Views: 4,987
    Announcements I'm trying to change the .php code that highlights the current day in both the master calendar and in the personal calendar. I haven't been able to find the code that manages that. Can someone please point me in the right direction? Thanks!

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