Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Wednesday, February 19 2025 @ 01:52 pm EST

How to use the blocks

  • Saturday, December 08 2001 @ 12:09 pm EST
  • Contributed by: Anonymous
  • Views: 5,977
Geeklog Hi guys,
First, let me say Geeklog is GREAT!

But I'm having a hard time to set up blocks. Might just be me, but it's not working to well for me right now :-(

I need to create a block that will have php and XML stuff in it, but all I see is the code, not the result. I'm using version 1.2.5-1

Can you tell me the difference with the 3 block types and how to use them please ?
Or where to get that information.

Tx guys!


Static Pages Plug-in Updated for 1.3 Beta 3

  • Wednesday, December 05 2001 @ 09:06 am EST
  • Contributed by:
  • Views: 5,323
Announcements I've just modified the static page plugin to work with the release of 1.3 beta 3. There were some hardcoded table names that would cause problems if you modified the geeklog tables name from their default values during installation.

For those of you that are unaware, this plugin allows you to quickly create simple semi-static webpage within your geeklog 1.3 beta 2 install. This is ideal for privacy policies, about us pages, etc.

You can get the the static page plugin here

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