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Account email and OAuth

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With OAuth users can create a second account on a geeklog site with the same email address.

Can there be a problem with this duplicate?

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Took me a moment to confirm this in the source code, but we pretty much gave up the idea of unique email addresses when we added OpenID support. Even though My Account still warns you when you try to use an email address that's already in use by another account ...

The OAuth integration was modelled in part after the OpenID integration, so it shouldn't come as a surprise that it behaves in the same way.

bye, Dirk

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The issue I see here, is that users with two or more acounts and a unique email address will receive 2 or 3 daily digest or 2 or 3 messages from the admin. This can be annoying.

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Maybe we could automatically inform the user after the creation of a second account (with the same email address) so he could changes the parameters of one of his accounts to not receive multiple messages.

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Is there a reason the user would need more than one account?

I think a better solution would be to stop the duplication at the account creation if possible.
One of the Geeklog Core Developers.

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Quote by: Laugh

Is there a reason the user would need more than one account?

For normal users - probably not. For users with some sort of admin access, it can make sense to keep those separated, but that's the exception more than the rule.

I think we need ways to merge accounts and also to change the authentication for an account, e.g. when I want to keep my account as it is but switch to using Twitter for login.

bye, Dirk

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Is there a reason the user would need more than one account?

Some users may not remember that they have an account, and wants to connect with their Facebook account to leave a comment for example.
Also it will be faster for users to click on the button "Login with Facebook", instead of remembering the password for old account.

I think the use and connection to a geeklog site will change with version 1.8.0. With OAuth, you're putting up something more natural in the act of connection because a significant portion of users have a twitter or facebook.

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