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Why are there only left and right blocks

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Location:Ukraine, Kyiv
Why in geeklog you can set your blocks only in left or right position? it will be very helpful if it would be possible to use other positions (like drupal or joomla for example) http://saveimg.ru/pictures/02-07-10/9117c680b18777888618efed6ace5c15.jpg


Quote by: Pushkar

Why in geeklog you can set your blocks only in left or right position?
it will be very helpful if it would be possible to use other positions (like drupal or joomla for example)


For the most part you can put your left and right blocks where you want. Have you seen all the free themes we have over at the Demo site? If one of them does not suit your needs, then grab one thats close to what you want and rework it or hire a tech to design one for you. Almost anything can be done on the themes.


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Registered: 04/14/09
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Location:Ukraine, Kyiv
I'm talking about the fact that now there is only left and right blocks. And it would be nice to be able to place the blocks and the left and right and top and bottom

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Registered: 02/22/10
Posts: 73
What about ProCSS3 theme?
I like this at my site. http://geeklog.crimsonj.net

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