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New staticpages

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Taken from the coming staticpage what's new block function, here is the phpblock version.

This block allow you to show in a block (or a staticpage) the list of the new staticpages

Text Formatted Code

function phpblock_new_staticpages ()
    global $_CONF, $_TABLES, $_SP_CONF, $LANG_STATIC;

    $newstaticpagesinterval = 1209600;
    $includephp = 0;
    $includecenterblocks = 0;

    $retval = '';

    $extra_sql = "";
    if ($includecenterblocks == 0) {
        $extra_sql =' AND sp_centerblock = 0';
    if ($includephp == 0) {
        $extra_sql .=' AND sp_php = 0';

    $sql = "SELECT sp_id, sp_title
        FROM {$_TABLES['staticpage']}
        WHERE NOT ISNULL(sp_content) AND (sp_date >= (DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL {$newstaticpagesinterval} SECOND)))
        " . COM_getPermSQL( 'AND' ) . "
        ORDER BY sp_date DESC LIMIT 15";

    $result = DB_query( $sql );

    $nrows = DB_numRows( $result );

    if( $nrows > 0)
        $newstaticpages = array();

        for( $x = 0; $x < $nrows; $x++ )
            $A = DB_fetchArray( $result );

            $url = COM_buildUrl( $_CONF['site_url']
                . '/staticpages/index.php?page=' . $A['sp_id'] );

            $title = COM_undoSpecialChars( stripslashes( $A['sp_title'] ));
            $titletouse = COM_truncate( $title, $_SP_CONF['title_trim_length'],
                                        '...' );
            if( $title != $titletouse )
                $attr = array('title' => htmlspecialchars($title));
                $attr = array();
            $astaticpage = str_replace( '$', '&#36;', $titletouse );
            $astaticpage = str_replace( ' ', '&nbsp;', $astaticpage );

            $newstaticpages[] = COM_createLink($astaticpage, $url, $attr);

        $retval .= COM_makeList( $newstaticpages, 'list-new-comments' );
        $retval .= $LANG_STATIC['no_new_pages'] . '<br' . XHTML . '>' . LB;

    return $retval;

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Judging from this site, it treats updated pages like new pages. You then enter them and tell yourself "hey, I know that page already". It would be fine only it signaled the new parts (like "diff" in wiki). But it would probably be easier adding a "created at" date.

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Registered: 09/27/05
Posts: 1468
Yes, for staticpages the What's New Block uses the update date. There is no created date field for a page. Personally, I wanted users to know if there either was a new page, or if one got updated.

If feel strongly about it, you could make a feature request on this. A created date could be added and an option in the config to allow just new pages, or new and updated pages.

One of the Geeklog Core Developers.

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