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geeklog.net issues: excluded topics and boxes

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Today I noticed a nice welcome message on main geeklog.net page

There are no news stories to display. There may be no news for this topic or your user preferences may be too restrictive

So I visited my accound and all topics are exclude (checked) and one box was checked (Resources). I did not made those changes. Could it be an upgrade issue?

I saw twice this issue after an update from 1.5.2 to 1.6.0 on two geeklog sites...


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Nothing was change on geeklog.net over the last couple of days.

bye, Dirk

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Very strange...

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:doh: It's a big bug founded this morning.

When daily digest is available, if you select a topic from the list on the user settings page and save information, it is the exclude topics witch is save.


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Location:la rochelle, France
In usersettings.php line 622 change topics for etids could help
Text Formatted Code
    // daily digest block
    if ($_CONF['emailstories'] == 1) {
        $user_etids = DB_getItem ($_TABLES['userindex'], 'etids',
                                  "uid = {$_USER['uid']}");
        if (empty ($user_etids)) { // an empty string now means "all topics"
            $etids = USER_getAllowedTopics();
            $user_etids = implode(' ', $etids);
        } elseif ($user_etids == '-') { // this means "no topics"
            $user_etids = '';
        $tmp = COM_checkList($_TABLES['topics'], 'tid,topic', $permissions,
                             $user_etids, 'etids');
                str_replace($_TABLES['topics'], 'etids', $tmp));
        $preferences->parse('digest_block', 'digest', true);
    } else {
        $preferences->set_var('digest_block', '');

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