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Bugs in Geeklog 1.4.0rc1

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Registered: 01/01/04
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Standard "Go Daddy" Problem with Geeklog.

GoDaddy and Shield host etc.. Will NOT give LOCK access to your database.

Results in SQL error to error.log.

You as a user are not the owner of the database and cannot give yourself LOCK access to the databases.

As a fix users can comment out the following lines in Geeklog-1.4.0rc1
THIS IS NOT AN IDEAL FIX, and can cause comment to be lost in the database, overwritten, and data in the comment could be made public as technically two comments could end up with the same comment number.

Still if you have no choice here is the workaround that will get you going if your not afraid to lose a comment, or breach the security on a potential post.

847: // DB_query("LOCK TABLES {$_TABLES['comments']} WRITE");
873: // DB_query('UNLOCK TABLES');

978: //DB_query("LOCK TABLES {$_TABLES['comments']} WRITE");
997: //DB_query('UNLOCK TABLES');

Here's hoping we can get a warning file, and an option in the config file if we are stuck with a cheapy service provider who won't fix this for us.

Note: if its an option find a service provider that will give you LOCK access to your own database. No matter what they say, LOCK access will not allow someone to breach their security.


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The blue menu bar (showing Preview, Editor, Publish Options, etc.) at the top of the Story Editor form does not use words from the language file, therefore it does not translate to other languages. I told all story admin to learn English quickly Laughing .

I hope this will be fixed before final release.


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Quote by samstone: The blue menu bar (showing Preview, Editor, Publish Options, etc.) at the top of the Story Editor form does not use words from the language file, therefore it does not translate to other languages.

This has been fixes in CVS now.

bye, Dirk

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Created a new user , testuser and I cannot approve his membership.

The user shows up in the 'submissions que' but when I select approve it does nothing.

I did, however, set the user to active by clicking on the "user" list and selecting the user that way.

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Quote by Dirk:
Quote by samstone: The blue menu bar (showing Preview, Editor, Publish Options, etc.) at the top of the Story Editor form does not use words from the language file, therefore it does not translate to other languages.

This has been fixes in CVS now.

bye, Dirk

Now, nothing shows in the menu when the language is other than English.

Are these new words added to the language file?

----- Edited --------------

I saw the new lines in the English language file now. So please ignore this question.


Tom Duck

Here's a weird one: With both the Beta and RC, you can't change the comment mode on some pages between threaded, nested, etc. For example, try to change modes on the following page:


It doesn't work (well, for me, anyway). This one works:


Both examples are taken from the Geeklog Announcements page at:


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Hi, my post is actually not a bug report but some requests.
1. Is it possible to add 'img' in allowed_html tags.
2. When adding users with 'batch add', geeklog send e-mails to users. But I want to turn off this feature. It is good to select this feature using options.
3. For user name. 16 bytes are too short using Japanese name. Is it possible to modify it to something like 108 bytes?

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Quote by sakata: 1. Is it possible to add 'img' in allowed_html tags.

The IMG tag is filtered out for security reasons. You can easily add it (at your own risk), though, if your really want. See the FAQ for details.

Quote by sakata: 2. When adding users with 'batch add', geeklog send e-mails to users. But I want to turn off this feature. It is good to select this feature using options.

I don't really want to add new functionality at this point in the release cycle. Please submit a feature request once our project site is back online.

Quote by sakata: 3. For user name. 16 bytes are too short using Japanese name. Is it possible to modify it to something like 108 bytes?

The username is just that - a (short) user name, used for the login and as a "nickname". I don't think anyway would want to type in their full name just to log into the site, especially if you happen to have a rather long name ...

There's always the full name field in a user's profile where they can add their first and last name (currently limited to 80 characters, though that's a pretty arbitrary limit). We are working on making it possible to display the full name instead of the username everywhere in Geeklog (see $_CONF['show_fullname'] in config.php), but that's not fully implemented in 1.4.0.

bye, Dirk

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Thank you for your reply.
I understand the situation.

There's always the full name field in a user's profile where they can add their first and last name (currently limited to 80 characters, though that's a pretty arbitrary limit). We are working on making it possible to display the full name instead of the username everywhere in Geeklog (see $_CONF['show_fullname'] in config.php), but that's not fully implemented in 1.4.0.

That's a good idea!
I will wait it until 1.4.0 or 1.4.1.


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After years of using gallery, I still have to come back to search for the answer of why a user with Story Admin permission can't edit his or her own story. When I found the answer, I always wonder why I keep forgetting it is because the topic permission.

I wonder if this can be called a bug? Somehow, I feel this needs to be improve for userfriendliness, without compromizing privacy or security. Even Gallery has a config setting to allow owner to edit his or her own photo.


After some thoughts, I think it is a bug because when a story is saved the permission boxes has owner read and edit checked. Since they are checked, logically the owner should be able to edit. Of course it is not a bug introduced by 1.4. It's an acient bug.

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With so few bug reports after 650 downloads, I think this version is doing well!

Big Celebration


Tom Duck

If a user submits a comment with orphaned html tags, this can create some havoc. For example, if the user forgets to close a bold tag, then all following user comments become boldfaced. Ideally these orphaned tags should be stripped out, or the comment be rejected due to malformed html.

Tom Duck

It seems that if one changes their user preference, they no longer show up by username in the Who's Online block, but are instead listed as a Guest User.

Tom Duck

Quote by Tom Duck: If a user submits a comment with orphaned html tags, this can create some havoc. For example, if the user forgets to close a bold tag, then all following user comments become boldfaced. Ideally these orphaned tags should be stripped out, or the comment be rejected due to malformed html.

I mean: If a user forgets to use a closing bold tag some time after the opening bold tag...

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Quote by Julie: With the new 1.4 line I continue to get javascript (?) error,
even with the RC just released. It happens with IE 5.5.4134

for example I continue to get this in this page

/! A runtime error has occured. Do you wish to debug ?

Line 218 Error : Could not get the cursor property
Clicking ok or debug shows error at line 221 or something like that
and a loop of alert boxes follow.

Switching to some other browser may be suggested but what is the problem
as this type of error was never seen in any of the previous versions.

Not sure of the cause to this JS error as I don't see the error with IE6 and FireFox - testing on the demo site and my devel site.
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There is a typo in the latest version of story.php in CVS.

Text Formatted Code

COM_applyFilter ($_POST['statuscode'], ture),


Should be "true" of course.

Also what's up with all the forum topics showing recent posts incorrectly here on GL?



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Quote by Tom Duck: It seems that if one changes their user preference, they no longer show up by username in the Who's Online block, but are instead listed as a Guest User.

Can't reproduce that. Are you using a theme that was properly updated? Does it also happen with the Professional theme?

bye, Dirk

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I can't get comments to work on file management here on geeklog.net. I tried it in both Firefox and IE. In both it just refreshes back to the index page.

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I need to update the plugin for GL 1.4 comments. I have the code changes as I did the work a few months ago when testing the new API's. Just need to dig it up and re-test.

I'll add it to my list for the week.
Geeklog components by PortalParts -- www.portalparts.com

Mike Edwards

I've noticed that, in the advanced editor, in the body textarea, it keeps adding a "br" tag there in HTML mode if the Body Text box is left blank. I can see it when I switch into Plain Old Text. But if I erase it and flip back to HTML mode, it reappears. To make matters worse, it shows up on the article as (1 word - read more) even though there's no other text there. Weird.

It seems like there's an errant newline somewhere in there that gets repeatedly conveted to a "br" and inserted in there if the body field is blank. I just can't figure out where it's coming from.

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