Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Monday, June 03 2024 @ 06:05 pm EDT

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template error


Template Error: set_root: /home/jacksonv/public_html/layout/Yahoo/forum/layout is not a directory.

Please help if you can. i get this error

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It would be helpful if you could post a little more information when you are seeking help. Information like, when do you get this error? Did you have a working site at some point? or are you still isntalling? What have you tried so far to fix the problem? Does some fo the site come up? Or just the error message? Is this problem only occuring with that theme? Or does it occur on all themes? Have you checked to make sure that that directory exists? Etc....

It is often very difficult to know what has gone wrong from a single error message, without knowing the context it occurs in...

In general, that message means exactly what it says: php believes that:
/home/jacksonv/public_html/layout/Yahoo/forum/layout is not

Is not a directory. Try checking that that is a directory. You may have a path configured improperly.



Hello..and thank you for responding...Situation is...
Had the site built by someone else..
Posted some forum info on it for the first time in a month or so
Was working fine before forum post
When I went to the site after the post that very information comes up as listed above.
Don't know what that means or how to fix it.
Don't know why it started doing that "all of the sudden"
The site www.jacksonvilles.com does not come up without that error message. Only the bars on the sides of the site show up.
How would I change the configuration?


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Registered: 07/16/02
Posts: 1232
It would appear the forum templates are missing for the yahoo theme on that site.

You can copy the forum directory from another theme to the Yahoo theme
Geeklog components by PortalParts -- www.portalparts.com


1.Went to find "layout".
2. No such animal
3. Suggestion was to copy another forum directory from the yahoo theme(where to go to copy that.. from a NEW download of geeklog???)
4. Listed under public was links, mail, htaccess, index-Don't see forum anywhere at all....
5. found themes and listed under that was default, phpakaox,x2t,index

Final: would help to have a step 1, step 2 type answer. I believe I can do this if I had a more clear understanding of where to find what and what to add or delete.

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Registered: 01/12/02
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Location:Stuttgart, Germany
The forum plugin comes with a set of template files. You need to copy those into your layout directory.

I'm pretty sure that's also mentioned in the forum's installation instructions ...

bye, Dirk

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