Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Wednesday, February 12 2025 @ 04:12 pm EST

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Admin can't post stories, links, etc. -> to do with themes!!!


some time ago I posted to this forum about this problem
and the only hints at what it could have been was that I needed to check
whether register_globals was "on", plus a number of other things which are
explained in the faq. The variable was ON.

One thing that I noticed is that when Admin wants to post a new note or else, the page that is shown is
usually the page that appears when Admin wants to edit a story. On the other hand, when an ordinary
registered user or anonymous wants to do the same a different page is generated. In this case the post
ends up with success.

After playing with GL for a while trying to understand what was going on, I realized that
the problem only happened when the THEME for MY web page was in place.
For instance when I displayed my portal with XSilver, everything started to work again!!!
I still do not understand why that happens. I did not create the theme for our portal myself and the person who did will be unavailable for sometime.
Nevertheless if someone knows what is there in the themes code that if modified
may affect the way Admin users use the system I'd appreciate telling me.
All the best

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Site Admin
Registered: 01/12/02
Posts: 13073
Location:Stuttgart, Germany
Are you using a language other than English?

That's a known issue with some older themes. The easiest way to fix it is to replace the theme's "admin" directory with the admin directory from one of the default themes. Since most custom themes didn't change anything in there anyway, this shouldn't make a difference for the theme, but will make it work again for you.

If you're interested in the details, please see the documentation.

bye, Dirk

Admin posting help

I am also having a problem with Admin posting. I have checked the usual suspects like register_globals=On, and I have replaced the theme's "admin" directory with the one from the Classic theme, but nothing has worked.

Admin posting was working a couple of months ago when I first put up the site, but I can't think of any changes that I've made which could cause this behavior.

help please,



I found the problem. An old version of storyeditor.thtml in my theme/admin/story directory.


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