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zClassified Plugin - beta release

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Dear Geeklog community Robin and ronack would like to present a beta version of the new zClassified plugin. If it wasn\'t for Ron\'s input it would take much longer to release it. Big Hand to Ron! There are still some cosmetic changes and features that we are working on but for the most part it is ready. Please install and test it so we can improve it. Waiting for your invaluable feedback. File available here (after approval ;-)
Geeklog Polish Support Team

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Have a few questions. Is there a way to take away rights user menu? I don\'t want showing up in peoples user\'s menu yet. Are you going to allow right blocks? I know I can modify the templates, but would be nice if one could do it from the ui. What is xgra.com, the web site doesnt show up. Plus when I click on the graphic button it opens a new window. Clicking on the link keeps it in the current window.

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OK. This plugin is supposed to be available for registered users that\'s why it\'s visible in User Functions ( like e.g. Upload a file or Forum Settings). You can always switch it off in functions.inc. We\'ll take into consideration the right blocks suggestion. This plugin is actually an integration of an existing script released by xgra.com (now gone). The project was I guess abandoned. We thought it\'d be nice to keep the credits ;-) We\'ll take care of the links in the next release. Thank you for your feedback. Hope you enjoy it.
Geeklog Polish Support Team

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Where would I go to adjust the table width? It\'s a bit too wide to fit the theme that I\'m using (Simple_Orange). Looks good other than the width problem.

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Right now it is in index.php as we haven\'t moved it into templates yet. That is in work. All code is in the actual file you see in the address.

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Thanks for working on this - I\'m anxious to see it in action. Is there a test site installation anywhere that people can mess around with to get an idea of some of it\'s features without installing it into their own site?

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Of course here and here. Cheers
Geeklog Polish Support Team

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Robin, I\'m having some trouble, and can\'t seem to figure out what\'s breaking the code. Upon submitting an ad (with or without an image), I get: Fatal error: Call to undefined function: error() in J:APPSApache2htdocsliwirefreepublic_htmladvtlist.php on line 100 I\'ve looked at the code, but can\'t quite trim down the comments that php is skipping over to find what\'s on line 100 that\'s stuck. Can you give me some suggestions? Thanks!
Lewis Rosenthal, CNA, CLP, CLE
Rosenthal & Rosenthal, LLC

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Does it update the table after all? Try removing \'or error ...\' stuff at the end of line 100.
Geeklog Polish Support Team

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We have discoverd a serious problem and have the fix here. Symptom: When clicking on an ad detail you get your details instead of the person who created the ad. FIX: In the file advt/detail.php on line 82 where is says: WHERE uid=\'{$_USER[\'uid\']}\'\") Change it to: WHERE uid=\'{$ad[\'uid\']}\'\") You may also download the file detail.php here

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We are also working on an ebay link so that the user can input their ebay id and it will list their ebay items.

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First off thank you for releasing this plugin! It installed fine for me, and is pretty easy to setup.

Couple of comments:
1. It would be nice to allow guests to be able to at least view the ads.

2. Having the link in the user menu was kind of confusing.

3. Being able to filter out ads based on zip coded would be a huge improvement. i.e. only show ads within X number of miles from X zip code.

4. Submission system: Allow administrator to configure the app to either allow anyone to post a new ad (like they can now) OR turn submissions on, so that ads need to be approved by an admin. I'd hate to have people post ads for say porn or something that may be unrelated to the sites content.

5. In the ad listings (after selecting a category to view) you can't tell from a glance the location of an ad. Which kinda ties in with #3 above.

6. Allow administrator to determine the duration of ads on a global scale via the admin pages. Users can make it shorter if they want.

7. Hovering your mouse over the "ask question" link in the ad allows you to see the users email. Why not just use GL's contact pages? That does not reveal an email address.

8. Remove "Create a sample database" link in the admin section. I really don't see the point of that.

9. Remove "mail users" link. Seems pointless.

10. Allow admins to move ads from one category to another.

Well thats my .02 - I think this is already a great plugin and will continue to use it in the future. Thanks again!

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Great feedback, I will look into incorporating some of these.


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Big Grin Glad to see it's being actually used. Thanks for great feedback.
Geeklog Polish Support Team

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Here are my responses.

1. It would be nice to allow guests to be able to at least view the ads.

Mine works that way, I will upload a newer version.

2. Having the link in the user menu was kind of confusing.

It will also put the link in the plg_menu_elements

3. Being able to filter out ads based on zip coded would be a huge improvement. i.e. only show ads within X number of miles from X zip code.

I'll have to look into this but feel free to try it yourself.

4. Submission system: Allow administrator to configure the app to either allow anyone to post a new ad (like they can now) OR turn submissions on, so that ads need to be approved by an admin. I'd hate to have people post ads for say porn or something that may be unrelated to the sites content.

I agree I'll look into this but I may need a little help.

5. In the ad listings (after selecting a category to view) you can't tell from a glance the location of an ad. Which kinda ties in with #3 above.

As in City, State, Zip???

6. Allow administrator to determine the duration of ads on a global scale via the admin pages. Users can make it shorter if they want.

Currenly Ad Duration on the submission default is 15 days and they can increase the amount of time up to 365 days. I expect it could be set up the other way around.

7. Hovering your mouse over the "ask question" link in the ad allows you to see the users email. Why not just use GL's contact pages? That does not reveal an email address.

See updated version:
Actually there is a seperate field for email which they don't have to enter. Hovering over the Ask Question should not display the users email.

8. Remove "Create a sample database" link in the admin section. I really don't see the point of that.

I have updated this so that it creates a better list of categories.

9. Remove "mail users" link. Seems pointless.

Yeah I think your right.

10. Allow admins to move ads from one category to another.

I like that idea.

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What I mean by #6 is this: Currently, the user can select between 15 & 365 days. What I'm suggesting is allow the admins to set a MAX duration. So as an admin, I can say that no user may have an ad posted for longer than 30 days. I guess I just don't think this should be a user defined variable, or if it is, the admins should be able to set a threshold on that duration.

I'll look for the updated version. Thanks for taking the time to write this plugin, and respond to this thread.

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Ok, I just got done installing the .30 version. I'm not sure where this ebay functionality is, I don't see it anywhere. (though I did see the ebay folder I uploaded to my server)

Regarding the email, I think you missed my point earlier. I don't want my email address displayed at all on the screen. Use the built in geeklog email fuction to contact a seller. This way sellers don't have their email addresses sitting on a page that a bot could crawl over and harvest the email address.

I.e. When you click the "ask question" link it sends the user to the profile of the seller (http://www.socal-dirtriders.com/profiles.php?uid=4) something like that. This way the sellers email is never exposed to the public.

I would also suggest a few other fields in the DB. For price and terms (i.e Firm, OBO) Yeah, I know you could put that in the description field, but having these additional fields would allow better searches in future releases.

Also to clarify my comment #5 above, yes, city and state should be displayed in the list (with out having to click the detail link)

Hope that helps! Smile

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I look at the ad duration. One question, is this something that is always going to change? Otherwise just your selections for the dropdown box in account.php line 473 - 479. All you have to do is remove the options you don't want.

Here is the way eBay listings work. When the users inputs their Account Information there is a field for eBay ID. When they put in their eBay ID then a link will show up to their eBay items. For an example put in the test eBay ID of weebee8.

I get it for the email, and the next version will have that incorporated. In the meantime you can remark that field out by remarking out lines 147 thru 151 of detail.php.

I'll look at the rest, can't promise when I can get to it though.



I installed the zClassifieds plugin, but I get this error when I click on "Categories / Ads Management" as admin :

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: error() in /var/www/html/admin/plugins/advt/modify.php on line 232

Any ideas? I'm using Geeklog (1.3.8-1sr2) and this is the only other plugin installed besides the static page plugin. I'm running it on a Redhat 9.0 box.

Thank you in advance!

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Quote by Nazdar: I installed the zClassifieds plugin, but I get this error when I click on "Categories / Ads Management" as admin :

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: error() in /var/www/html/admin/plugins/advt/modify.php on line 232

Any ideas? I'm using Geeklog (1.3.8-1sr2) and this is the only other plugin installed besides the static page plugin. I'm running it on a Redhat 9.0 box.

Thank you in advance!

Sorry I didn't get back to you sooner. Try removing this
or error( mysql_error())
At the end of line 232.

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