Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Thursday, January 23 2025 @ 10:39 pm EST

Geeklog Forums

Static Pages 1.3


My co-workers and I have begun developing a new website under Geeklog 1.3.8-1, and need to include some very heavy PHP code. The Static Pages 1.3 was great, but still a little limited. I have modified several of the plugin files so that there is a new PHP/HTML mode where PHP can be mixed with HTML (using tags) Additionally, in this mode, I am catching and buffering output from PHP, so you can use echo, print, etc... without any difficulties. The plugin seems to be working great, and I wanted to offer my modifications to the community. I would like to bundle my changes togeteher as a new version of the plugin, but have been unable to find a 1.3 plugin pack (I can only find the 1.3 files pre-installed in the geeklog distro.) Is there a 1.3 pack avaliable seperately, and to whom would I send it after I have modified it?

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Registered: 01/12/02
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Location:Stuttgart, Germany
Static pages 1.3 is not available as a separate download. I\'m not even sure if it would work with versions prior to 1.3.8 ... If you plan to make it available as a separate plugin, why not simply upload it here on the site? bye, Dirk

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Registered: 08/13/03
Posts: 107
This is Alex again, I couldn\'t get to my e-mail before I posted that last post. I uploaded the files I had to modify to enable my changes in the static pages plugin. They will not function as a seperate plugin, but can be used to replace the exisitng files in a 1.3.8 install. Alex~

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