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Ewiki plugin

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The Ewiki plugin is available for download here.

This is a simple beta version that works but is not perfect. If someone wants to properly integrate security, please feel free to do so - I'm kind of busy with other stuff right now. See the readme for more information.
-- Heather Engineering
-- No job too small

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Uhhh.. What is it?
-- destr0yr
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Ewiki or Erfurt Wiki is a Wiki that I came across while preparing the How can you help Geeklog? story. It can be integrated with Geeklog with a few lines of code (haven\'t looked at Euan\'s plugin yet - I made a crude integration myself). People have been asking for a Wiki plugin in the past. So this is it now. bye, Dirk

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Quote by Dirk: Ewiki or Erfurt Wiki is a Wiki that I came across while preparing the How can you help Geeklog? story. It can be integrated with Geeklog with a few lines of code (haven\'t looked at Euan\'s plugin yet - I made a crude integration myself). ...
And mine is also very crude... Cheers, Euan.
-- Heather Engineering
-- No job too small

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FYI - there is no place to download the file, and the site has downloads shut off for anonymous and registered users. ??

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Thanks for the unclog Euan. It\'s now downloadable. I\'ll start testing in the next couple of weeks, unless Dirk sets something up for us. I personally find PHPwiki quite good and powerful. I\'m more interested in working on good GL documentation before worrying about a plugin, but maybe the two ideas can come together in good docs and an integrated plugin


Quote by euan: The Ewiki plugin is available for download here.

Is there another place to download this file? Downloads at http://euans.net/blog/filemgmt/index.php doesn't seem to work.

Thanks, Ronald (post@shibby.de)

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OK, it's up again. I hadn't updated the filemanagement plugin settings. Sorry.


-- Heather Engineering
-- No job too small

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I have a problem. It look like there is a conflict between the ewiki "integration, and the gallery integration. I get this error at the admin page:
Text Formatted Code
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/...../public_html/admin/plugins/ewiki/index.php:70) in /home/...../public_html/gallery/lib/lang.php on line 324

I looke into the index.php and there whereblanks at the end, wich I deleted. But it didn't help.

any idea?


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Oops. I'll look into it. I haven't installed it on my site since updating to 1.3.9 - I'll mess around with it and get back to you here.


-- Heather Engineering
-- No job too small

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Well, it worked for me... I've included an updated version of the Erfurt wiki and redone the package as version 0.2 - try again and let me know if it still doesn't work for you. I also have gallery installed on my site.


-- Heather Engineering
-- No job too small


After doing all steps described i end with the following error when finally starting the wiki:
Text Formatted Code

Parse error: parse error, expecting `T_STRING' or `T_VARIABLE' or `T_NUM_STRING' in /var/www/geeklog.omega/geeklog/plugins/ewiki/include/ewiki.php on line 2524

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: ewiki_database() in /var/www/geeklog.omega/geeklog/plugins/ewiki/include/ewiki.php on line 504


Any hints?
Geeklog 1.3.9 and Euans ewiki-Plugin 0.2


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Thanks, I'll have a look at it this weekend and get back to you. I assume that you got the latest version and replaced the ErfurtWiki files too? You need to extract the ErfurtWiki tarball too as per instructions in the README.

Looks like an error may have crept into the ewiki.php file. Now that SubEthaEdit has been updated I have a better editor which should make life easier.


-- Heather Engineering
-- No job too small

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Hi Euan, I've finally managed to install the ewiki plugin on a linux box. Looks like the files:

- functions.inc

- functions-advanced.inc

- include.ewiki.php

have Mac (r) instead of Unix (n) line endings, so I had to change it using jEdit (but I think SubEthaEdit should do that too).

I also updated ewiki to version 1.01e, the only difference in ewiki.php was the line:
Text Formatted Code
define("EWIKI_DB_TABLE_NAME", $_TABLES['ewiki']);


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Sorry, I know I'm being a bit slow on this one. The CR is probably my fault - as I work on a Mac. The problem is that the only thing in which I can open the erfurt wiki ewiki.php file is Dreamweaver - and although it is a lot better than it was, it still is a bit dodgy. On my archaic box, SubEthaEdit won't open the file.

There is a lot more I want to edit in there (there are default settings for pages that could be linked to the language file) but I'm going to be slow. I have a PhD to write in Japanese and limited resources left - my brain is swapping heavily with my liver as it is...


-- Heather Engineering
-- No job too small

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