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Stats Block released

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Registered: 04/25/02
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I have finally released my stats block for geeklog! It's functions are...
  • Welcome message for returning visitors
  • Number of visits this month
  • Number of pageviews per month
  • Number of visits today
  • Usernames of members who visited today(linked to profiles)
  • Number of guests today
  • Most Users Ever(now working!)
  • Members in the past hour
  • Restrict ability to view stats by username
Squatty of Squatty.com has done some pretty creative stuff with the block so you can go there and see some of the functions in action. Also Jameson of Discobiscuit.com told me he has it working but I think his stats are private like mine. I'd like to thank both of them for testing it so I can now offer it to you. Get it in the downloads section!

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This is a great block! As you state in the code comments, the block truly can "deliver a lot more information" with the right amount of tweaking ;-) Great job! Many thanks! -squatty
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This is long awaited block that Mr. GxBlock has done a great job on. Many thanks! I apologize for not making my stats public, but I've also been tweaking the queries to gather more information. I believe that this will be a great addition to the next release of GL. Enjoy! :\\ Jameson

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I think you have a problem in your code: //if($restricttouser != '')[ // if($_USER["username"] != $restricttouser)[ // $message .= "<B>Stats private by request of administrator.</B>"; // ]else[ I commented out this section and the two close curly brackets at the end, and it all shows up fine. I think you're missing an "else", aren't you? Thanks for the block - excellent piece of work! Cheers, Euan.
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Posts: 73
yep, this is definitely a cool block. but i had the same problem as euan. i commented out those lines and it worked fine. the two curly brackets he is talking about are directly above this line return $message; //Return visitor information

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