Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Saturday, February 15 2025 @ 09:40 pm EST

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Changing date when editing stories


When I started my geeklog site a year ago I uploaded all my old articles on it from 1999-2002. I could only date them 2002 at that time, but no big deal. Now, I would like to go back and backdate every story to their actual date. I searched the site, and I edited my lib-common.php and now when I start a NEW story, I can choose 1999. However...when I attempt to edit...it still only lets me to go to 2002. Any ideas? It'd be a pain to have to delete and post new versions of 1950 articles which already have lots of comments. Thanks :-)

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Registered: 01/12/02
Posts: 13073
Location:Stuttgart, Germany
In function COM_getYearFormOptions() in lib-common.php, set the $start_year variable just prior to the for-loop, i.e. $start_year = 1999; for( $i = $start_year; $i <= $cur_year + 5; $i++ ) etc. That should do it. bye, Dirk


I am attempting to alter the lib_common.php so that I can initially backdate stories to 2001 at least, as I'm moving all the old standalone blogs to my Geeklog.

Your code allowed me to alter the start date of the Calender, but I canno find the snippet where I could use the $start_year to start Stories at backdate...
Help plex?

weyrcat at gmail.com

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