Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Saturday, February 15 2025 @ 09:44 pm EST

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Quick way to integrate .htm files?


I am currently playing around with porting my company's intranet over to geeklog. A good number of the documents are pretty solid but in html format. I can figure out a way to link to them from within Geeklog using a menu system but the site header will always dissapear. I realize I can convert these over to static pages but that is way too much work for 100+ documents. Is there a way to easily get the site header to be included with each of these documents? Thanks!

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Registered: 01/08/03
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You could use the external plugin. But you would still need to modify the files to have the same headers. You didn't by chance use includes for your header?

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Method 1: If you want these pages wrapped in GL and included in search and stats, you could use the external plugin like DTrumbower pointed out. This requires adding about 12 lines of code to each file and changing the extension to php or adding html as a recognizable php extension in your .htaccess file. Since you have so many files though, it may slow down search times quite a bit.

Method 2: If search and stats are not a concern, you could make each file look this:
Text Formatted Code


<<<put your html content here>>>

<?php echo(COM_siteFooter(true)); ?>
To not display left blocks use COM_siteHeader('none') instead. To not display right blocks use COM_siteFooter() instead. Again, you would have to either change the file extension to php or add html as a recognizable php extension in your .htaccess file.

Method 3: If search and stats are not a concern, you could build an empty Geeklog page and use an include or iframe to display the html files. Since you have so many files, you might want to pass the filename to it. If this is done, you'll need to add some logic to make sure the file is located only on your server or check the names against an acceptable list otherwise you'll create a huge security hole.

Method 4: If you only have one theme, you could copy the header and footer in plain html into files and then use includes in the other files.

Method 5: You could contact phpsocialclub and see if any of his hacks meets your needs.


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