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Clean layout 800x600


When viewed in 800x600 My site creates an annoying horizontal scroll bar, can anyone advise how I can make this go away?

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Registered: 01/12/02
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Location:Stuttgart, Germany
The clean theme sets a width of 780 pixels for the middle column somewhere in header.thtml. Search for width="780". bye, Dirk


Thanks for the help. It worked : )


I am using the White pointer theme and have modified it to be 780 width... however I am running into a problem with the main(home) page it still displays a width over 800. All other topics/pages display properly. Any ideas?
Can someone help me Banging your head

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Registered: 07/13/02
Posts: 57
Quote by Ouch: I am using the White pointer theme and have modified it to be 780 width... however I am running into a problem with the main(home) page it still displays a width over 800. All other topics/pages display properly. Any ideas?
Can someone help me Banging your head

Do you have the same problem in e.g. Firefox or Opera?

Do you perhaps have a code or pre-formatted line in a story, which forces the layout to be wider?


Do you have the same problem in e.g. Firefox or Opera?

I mainly use Mozilla but the same problem with every browser I've tried.

Do you perhaps have a code or pre-formatted line in a story, which forces the layout to be wider?

I don't see any. Here's the web site http://pagosa.gotdns.com

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Registered: 07/13/02
Posts: 57
I see one odd detail. The bottom "bar" in each story block consists of 5 's. Two are 50% wide and the others 6, 6, and 75 pixels wide. There are other parts of the story blocks which contain a mishmash of % and px but the one I mentioned is the worst culprit.


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