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GL1.3.7 setup Q's


SLowly but surely I am getting geeked, but it has been less than desirably easy (or even medium easy) and have come to a point where I need to ask questions. First off, Anyone ever thought of making a rpackage out of the common items used in conjunction with GL? (ie GL with Gallery, phpBB2, and CMSCool Second, is there a hack someone has put together to enable PHP code in blocks and/or static pages? Third, any thoughts as to why the gl1.3.6 lib-common.php included as part of cmsb's drivers would function, but when the supposedly appropriate code snippets added to the 1.3.7 lib-common.php not function (preventing GL from even displaying)? If someone has some time to do a little hand-holding to setup GL to work properly with phpBB(which is where I am pretty well stuck at), I would love to hear from you. If not, and good tutorial suggestions would truly be welcome. Thank you!

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The problem with making packages is keeping them up to date ...

If you want to use PHP in static pages, you can use the extended version 1.2 of the static pages plugins. It should be available from gplugs.sf.net.

Can't help with phpBB or the CMS bridge (if in doubt, ask the authors), but have you seen the Forum plugin for Geeklog?

bye, Dirk


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Hmm...I have GL 1.3.7 working with the CMSB/phpBB on my site. I had no problems with the upgrade at all. What problems are you having?---Danny @ squatty.com
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I don't imagine that, barring major version changes (1.3x to 2.x) for any of the items listed, that making these updates would be terribly difficult. Admittedly, as many people are, I know enough to get into trouble with php, mysql, etc, but not enough to make informed thoughts on this. And who knows, maybe once someone has a good working base setup to go off of, they can upgrade everything as necessary themselves. I of course would discount all stupid people out there, of which there are many, and which I am definately a part of at times, who would demand upgrade support because they couldn't figure it out once the initial setup was going. Anyway, I'm rambling now. Thanks for pointing me to the static pages plugin....seems to work a little better, but still not perfect. CMS Bridge documentation leaves a bit to be desired, but probably moreso for people like me who know a fair bit, but just can't get thier mind wrapped around exaclty how this is supposed to work.


Part of my problem here may be that I am starting fresh, no users, no nothing, just a clean GL, Gallery, and phpBB. Gallery and GL already play nice together, but phpBB does not recognize me when I am logged into GL and try to go to my forums. Now I imagine, based on perusing the database for the site, that there are going to be 2 sets of users, one for GL, one for phpBB. How are these supposed to remain synced? OR, how does cmsb know that GL user X is phpBB user Y? I recall seeing somewhere a user merge function, but that would still require running that merge function every time a new user is added to GL. I'm pretty sure I'm just too tired of looking at this and have lost any good thoughts I should have had many hours ago...so what am I missing? chris @ simiskey.com site at: www.simiskey.net feel free to browse...not much there atm. Thanks for any help! -TheTiGuR


When can we expect YOU to chip in and update some of the software and documentation? In your own words, it shouldn't be terribly difficult. Open source is run solely by volunteers. If you want polished documentation, then get busy and help write it or go purchase a commercial CMS instead. If you want any help, then lose the attitude because it's not welcomed.


Well....maybe once I have everything up and running, I might be qualified to write some documentation...until then, anything the I may write would be pretty well useless. I am trying GL out, along with the other, mature, open source projects I mentioned because there appears for the most part a friendly, knowledgable community behind them. If you want to deride me for asking for help to get things running while at the same time putting in my $.02 until such time as I get that assistance, then, well, thats your prerogative, but all YOUR attitude does is give someone second thoughts about using what appears to be a wonderful product/project.

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