Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Thursday, February 13 2025 @ 09:55 pm EST
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You must enter the content for layout blocks
For some odd reason I just started getting this error message whenever I try to add a new block or even change an existing block. I have recently upgraded to 1.3.7 Any help??
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Registered: 01/12/02
Posts: 13073
Location:Stuttgart, Germany
Hmm, interesting. Layout blocks are not used at all in Geeklog 1.3.x (it was a concept used in earlier version, AFAIK). Some pieces of code referring to Layout blocks are still floating around, though.
Specifically, this error message is displayed when you try to save a block that is not of type "portal", "normal", "phpblock", or "gldefault".
Did you change anything in the templates for the Admin block editor? Do you get this error with one of the themes that ship with Geeklog (XSilver, etc.) or are you using your own theme?
bye, Dirk
It seems to be a global sort of wierd problem, this behavior is still happening in the block section regardles of what data I enter for each field.
In the Plugins section I can no longer click on the number to bring up the addremove it just keeps looping to the main plugins screen.
I can't edit any stories, when I click on the edit button under a story it brings me to the master story editor list, the edit link in this list is not clickable.
This is just what I have seen, some of the plugins are also recycling themselves automatically.
I really haven't done anything of major significance. I did upgrade PHP (4.3.0) which subsequently overwrote my php.ini. I have now undone that by reinstalling 4.2.3 and am using the default php.ini
Quick Scan of the error shows this entry over and over..
12/30/2002 07:47:42 AM - SELECT * FROM mnu_index WHERE ((perm_anon >= 3) OR (perm_members >= 2) OR ((group_id = 2) AND (perm_group >= 2)) OR ((group_id = 4) AND (perm_group >= 2)) OR ((group_id = 7) AND (perm_group >= 2)) OR ((group_id = 60) AND (perm_group >= 2)) OR ((group_id = 58) AND (perm_group >= 2)) OR ((group_id = 59) AND (perm_group >= 2)) OR ((group_id = 11) AND (perm_group >= 2)) OR ((group_id = 5) AND (perm_group >= 2)) OR ((group_id = 13) AND (perm_group >= 2)) OR ((group_id = 12) AND (perm_group >= 2)) OR ((group_id = 61) AND (perm_group >= 2)) OR ((group_id = 51) AND (perm_group >= 2)) OR ((group_id = 10) AND (perm_group >= 2)) OR ((group_id = 8) AND (perm_group >= 2)) OR ((group_id = 1) AND (perm_group >= 2)) OR ((group_id = 14) AND (perm_group >= 2)) OR ((group_id = 3) AND (perm_group >= 2)) OR ((group_id = 6) AND (perm_group >= 2)) OR ((group_id = 9) AND (perm_group >= 2)) OR ((group_id = 56) AND (perm_group >= 2)) OR ((group_id = 57) AND (perm_group >= 2)) OR ((owner_id = 2) AND (perm_owner >= 2))) AND (lang = 'english') ORDER BY m_pos ASC
12/30/2002 07:47:42 AM - nrows = 24 <> language = english
HELP! I can go to backup but I would lose many hours of work ): MANY hours!
That was it Kirk, doh! Looks like all of my PHP.INI settings were blown out when I upgraded PHP. Anything else in that file I should look for?
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