Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Tuesday, February 18 2025 @ 08:20 pm EST

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A Problem with geeklog


I notice on all the geeklog sites theres a common problem with geeklog on every version. It seems that it doesnt always send every picture when loading the theme pictures. Anyone have a fix for this?

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I have never seen that problem anywhere ... I can't imagine it's a problem with Geeklog. Which browser are you using? Have you tried another one? bye, Dirk


Also , i can't find this problem in my site too.


Internet explorer 6.. It seems to only happend with menu items (usually the corner images sometimes dont come up on block headers for instance)

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Registered: 09/29/02
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I've had this problem with my geeklog pages too, occasionally. And this is even loading it directly from my local network (versus a normal Net connection). Don't know what it is, as I have no idea what I would check. It's usually tiny icons (such as corner graphics, as well), and when I right-click on the "missing picture" square, and select "Show Picture", it pops right up, with no problem. My GL is on a RH 7.2 box with Apache 1.3.x, and I'm accessing it with IE6 in Windows XP Pro. EKwant


Please give a URL on any site on which you're seeing this problem. I use IE6 and have never noticed this happening on any geeklog site I've visited. This sounds like it may be a problem with your browser or perhaps your PC doesn't have enough RAM, but I'd like to check out one of these to be sure. I've noticed if I surf the net for a long time IE will start having problems displaying images on any site. This goes away though after I reboot to clear the RAM and IE.

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IE has problems displaying .PNG files sometimes. Particularly PNG with transparent background images. I was having some issues with the section icons that I was using when they were PNG, I converted them to GIF's and everything works as expected. ---Paul 'T1Pimp' http://www.Huggybeer.com - Embrace your inner geek
Paul 'T1Pimp'
http://www.Huggybeer.com - Geek news with attitude


my machines at home is a speed demon Smile 3ghz 1 gig of ram so I know its not a speed problem. It happends on any geeklog site that I see. It doesnt happend alot but it does happend. Mostly on corners of the blocks (about 90% of the time when it happends). I kept hitting refresh on this site and its not doing it anymore but sometimes it does... But im also on a different machine that my home machine right now.


im just using jpgs only.

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Here's a link to my site, which has shown this problem before, mostly with the "mail" and "print" icons on each story header.




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I don't really see how it could be a problem with GL, now that I think about it. The HTML is correct, so how could it be GL, unless it's some type of server load problem? I dunno... I'm starting to talk out my arse, so I'll let the pros check it out. ;o) I am tending to agree that it may just be an IE problem though. -EKwant


I looked at your site and all the graphics loaded just fine. I even waited until I had used my computer on the net for a few hours. With 1 gig of RAM, you definitely do not have a memory problem. lol I still think it's IE related. I don't have a memory problem either but have found it be tempermental at times myself. When that happens, I clear all the cached files and reboot. Then the pages look normal again. I'm not sure if this happens in other browsers since I only use IE. Maybe it would help asking your visitors if they're experiencing any display problems. As for PNGs, you're right. IE has problems displaying alpha channels with them. It's too bad because they look great in the other browsers.

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It's not a geeklog problem. I have the same problem from time to time. I have run across descriptions of the problem other places as well. From what I remember reading it is specific to certain releases of IE and suppoedly doesn't affect 5.5 and later. It is an IE Refresh problem that has to do with IE not reloading images even if you do a shift-refresh. Empty the cache completely, that usually helps, and set preferences to always update a page on every visit. Those are two recommendations I've seen in the past. ----- John
-- John

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