Geeklog Usage Stats [GUS] Plugin 1.6
- Sunday, January 29 2006 @ 12:22 pm EST
- Contributed by: asmaloney
- Views: 8,504

You may get more information or dowload it through my geeklog software page.
v1.6.0 [29 Jan 2006]
- [fix] save on an SQL query if there is no referrer
- [fix] eliminate some warnings and a few minor buglets
- [new] now installs and works with register_globals off
- [new] changed the browser stats to make them more useful by breaking it down by browser and then version
- [new] optionally show bots by name [Google, Yahoo!, Ask Jeeves, Inktomi, and MSN Bot] in the Who's Online block instead of showing them as Guests [based on code by ByteEnabled]
- controlled by the new $_GUS_CONF['wo_show_bots'] option in config.php