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Forum Plugin v2.9.1

  • Monday, November 02 2015 @ 11:24 am EST
  • Contributed by:
  • Views: 15,865

The Geeklog Forum Plugin 2.9.1 is now available for download.

This release brings many important changes and now requires Geeklog v2.1.1 (works fine with the released version of Geeklog v2.1.1 Beta 1). Please read below to view a summary of these changes:

New Features

  • Forum now supports the use of different templates depending on what Geeklog theme is set
  • Reorganized how templates are handled. New denim template based on UIkit
  • Reduced number of templates required. Removed html embedded in code
  • Integrated support for the reCAPTCHA 1.0 plugin
  • Added rich snippets (schema) to forum breadcrumbs (topics and topic listings)
  • Added separate Category forum page. Updated forum breadcrumbs to point back to category page
  • Plus numerous other features

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed postmode issues where Admin could not set postmode for posts that were originally HTML but HTML is now not allowed on forum
  • Fixed small sticky post bug and now allow a topic to be BOTH sticky and locked
  • Plus numerous other bug fixes

For a full list of new features and bug fixes see the history.txt file found in the docs folder included with this release.

Since Google Code has now closed down we have moved the code repository for the Geeklog Forum Plugin to GitHub.

If you find any bugs or wish to request a feature, please add them to our issues tracker.

Geeklog 2.1.1 BETA 1

  • Monday, November 02 2015 @ 09:08 am EST
  • Contributed by:
  • Views: 6,564

The first beta version of Geeklog 2.1.1 is now available for download.

New features in this version include:

  • [Security] Log parameters for 404 errors & make filtering in 404.log work like in error.log
  • [Security] Removed the code used for File Manager demos and tests shipped with WideImage to prevent an XSS
  • [Security] Updated File Manager to version 2.2.0 (fixed security issue with file upload check)
  • [Security] Configuration string input sanitizing overhauled
  • [Update] CKEditor to version 4.5.4
  • [Update] jQuery to version 1.11.3 and jQuery UI to version 1.11.4. jQuery Timepicker Addon updated
  • [Update] OAuth class to version 1.141
  • [Feature] Integrated the UIkit framework version 2.23.0 into Geeklog
  • [Feature] Denim theme now uses UIKit
  • [Feature] Plugins can now include default templates and css files along with ones for different themes
  • [Feature] Schema.org article, author, and Breadcrumb markup added to Denim and Modern Curve themes
  • [Feature] Allow xmlSiteMap Plugin to Ping Search Engines when new content is added
  • [Feature] For XMLSitemap Plugin added dedicated API
  • [Bug] Added email check to Com_mail to prevent plugins from sending email to users who don't have an address (Oauth users)
  • [Bug] Cached Articles Sometimes do not Display on website
  • [Bug] Current LDAP module doesn't work properly
  • new Simple_LDAP Authentication provided
  • [Bug] Duplicate Blocks
  • [Bug] Remove hardcoded checks for TLD in domain names

... as well as a lot of other improvements and bug fixes. The complete list can be found in the history.txt file located in the release.

We would also like to put a request out there for translators. If you speak and write another language besides English or Japanese and would like to contribute to Geeklog please join the geeklog-translations mailing list. Translating Geeklog isn't complicated. Instructions can be found on the Geeklog Wiki or simply ask on the translation list.

We would like to encourage you to download this beta version, try it out, and give us your feedback. This is a beta version and it may still contain bugs. If you find any please report them in our Bug Tracker. Depending on what issues are found the development team hopes to have the final release of Geeklog 2.1.1 out by the end of November, 2015.

Geeklog.net also has been updated and is now running Geeklog 2.1.1 Beta 1.

File Manager Vulnerability

  • Sunday, July 05 2015 @ 06:20 pm EDT
  • Contributed by:
  • Views: 9,400

An XSS vulnerability has been found by Mohammad Sikkandar Sha in the demo code for WideImage which is used in the File Manager shipped with Geeklog 2.1.0. The File Manager itself has access control and is not affected by the vulnerability.

To fix this, please remove the two following directories as soon as possible:

  • public_html/filemanager/connectors/php/inc/vendor/wideimage/demo
  • public_html/filemanager/connectors/php/inc/vendor/wideimage/test

Thank you

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