Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Saturday, July 27 2024 @ 12:48 am EDT

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denim - changed

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i copied denim theme and then changed it with a menu and fullscreen image.
now i have trouble with mobile devices - they display default denim - or something.
how does this work? cant find documentation on that.
where do i change ... {device_mobile} ... where is that? can i remove it?
or what is changing the theme?

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Registered: 09/27/05
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All the themes change their styles based on the viewport of the device you are using. They have been doing this for several versions of Geeklog now.

{device_mobile} is not used to change the themes css styles.

Update the custom.css file with any of your css changes. The file is found in


You should always update the custom file with css changes and not the style.css or style.min.css, etc.. because depending on settings in functions.php different files maybe used

Look at the style.css file in the same directory to see how different styles are used.

Look for

Text Formatted Code
@media only screen

You will see the screen size it looks for and what css styles it applies.

An example of where the css styles change is the {menu_elements} as you found out. If you look at the file


and do a search for {menu_elements} you will notice it exisits twice. Depending on the viewport size the one is displayed over the other.

Browsers like Chrome and Firefox have Developer modes (press F12 to enable) which allow you to inspect different elements of a webpage. This is an easy way to help you figure out what css classes are being used and what ones you may want to change to fit the look of your own site.
One of the Geeklog Core Developers.

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ok will check it out
in custom i aded
Text Formatted Code

  [BASE] layout.css

body {
  color: #58585a;
  font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif;
  background-size: cover;
-moz-background-size: cover;
-o-background-size: cover;
-webkit-background-size: cover;

in @medias there is less data

and i have a problem couse this happens only on smartphones - and i dont have developer there ... chrome mobile has it too ?

im sorry its not denim, its newspaper theme
and i cant find menu elements in my header.thtml

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When I said all themes I meant all themes included with the Geeklog install.

What version of Geeklog are you running?

I have not looked at the newspaper theme in a long time. There has been a lot of changes since the last release of that theme. If you have not kept up with them it will be a lot of work to get it to work with Geeklog 2.2.0

It's probably best you start off making a new child theme based on the Denim theme. An example of a child theme is Denim Curve. It is based on the denim theme and only contains the changed files. It's much easier to keep track of updates this way.

On your desktop you can simulate a mobile phone by using Firefox or Chrome in developer mode. There is no need to use your smartphone to develop the theme unless it is final testing or something.

One of the Geeklog Core Developers.

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Posts: 138
i even found the trouble :/
default template was still denim - and on smartphones it loaded denim (not loged in ofc) :/

so, newspaper works pretty well on new geeklog (2.1.3).
have one problem: users.php does not display at all when i authenticate (couse of long inactivity).
as ussually to get it to work, i used denim that comes with geeklog, copied over newspaper ... and ... there are some glitches Big Grin
but will try to resolve them on another thread

start off making a new child theme based on the Denim theme.

this was the plan - and still is,
but i had nespaper running on another site, and decided to try to port it to new geeklog

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Registered: 09/27/05
Posts: 1468
If you want to do more with your Geeklog themes you should take a look at


You can add logic processing to templates which allows you to do some nifty things.

One of the Geeklog Core Developers.

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