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moving blocks from right to left

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Hello, I`m trying test the latest 212rc1 coming from 182.

Is there any instruction how to move the blocks from right to left in the standard theme? Thanks

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Registered: 09/27/05
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Do you mean the Denim theme?

It's the same for all themes that come with Geeklog you can just change it while editing the block or clicking on the R or L in the admin block list.

Do you mean something different?

Denim is responsive so the left and right columns can change around which can make block placement a little confusing if you are looking not at the main viewport of the theme.

One of the Geeklog Core Developers.

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Thanks for helping me. Geek
How funny, my browser window is typically ca. 1045px wide. Geeklog denim seems to flip left boxes to the right at 1180px. So I never saw them on the left hand side.

As I still believe in 1000px or rather 980px width, is there a switch how to reduce the start of the fliping?


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Check in the denim themes style.css file (found under directory css_ltr). Look for


in the file and change them to what you want. There are a number locations to change so if you change 1 number like 767px make sure to change them all to the same number.

Denim is setup pretty standard for the viewports. There are several to handle a number of different screen sizes (from mobile phones up to pcs).

The Modern Curve theme included with Geeklog is not responsive and displays the same on all screen sizes.
One of the Geeklog Core Developers.

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Hi again,

I`m back and taking a new attempt. I`m using GL 2.2.0. Where do I find the mentioned style.css ?
Is it /layout/denim/css_ltr/style.css ?

The last GL I edited was 1.8.2 or something... and I am rather a beginner in CSS.

I want to update my sites and use a scaling / responsive layout.

First thing is that I want it to stop fliping left boxes to the right although it should scale the site and move left boxes or the whole content to the middle.

Is it in line 825? I can?t find the css where it flips the blocks to the right.

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Yes that is the style for when the language is setup for left to right text.

If you are basing your new theme on the Denim theme ideally you will want to create a child theme. This way in most cases you just include the changed files in the new theme and Geeklog will fallback to the Denim theme for any files it does not find. The Modern_Curve theme is based on the Denim theme and is a good one to see as an example. Some files like functions.php and the images are required in the new theme folder.

As for the changes. You would have to look for any of these lines and then update the css as you see fit.

Text Formatted Code
@media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {

In the css file there is also a comment (search for "Layout Pattern"Wink which helps explain the pixels used.

Also search for in the file "Center Block Container" and look at the css classes below it. (it appears several times)

This is not just a one line change and I don't know enough to really help with it. dengen created the theme and would be the best one to contact about it.
One of the Geeklog Core Developers.

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Cant test it right now as I am moving webspaces...

Could it be line 1394 and 1603 just replace 'float: right' with left?

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Registered: 09/27/05
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It could be... I was not sure exactly what you wanted to change.

Let us know how it goes.
One of the Geeklog Core Developers.

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