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Trying To Install the PayPal Plugin (again)

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Location:Panama City, Republic of Panama
Hey Ben; can I get a little help with the PayPal plugin please?

When I try to run the install script, I get the following in the error.log --

Wed 25 Jun 2014 16:14:09 EDT - - Attempting to install the 'paypal' plugin
Wed 25 Jun 2014 16:14:09 EDT - - Attempting to create 'Paypal Admin' group
Wed 25 Jun 2014 16:14:09 EDT - - 1062: Duplicate entry 'Paypal Admin' for key 'grp_name'. SQL in question:
Wed 25 Jun 2014 16:14:09 EDT - - Error creating plugin group

And, that's as far as I get. What am I doing wrong? Do I have to manually create the group or something?


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Maybe a previous install went wrong and the group was not delete from your database during unsinstall. Please, delete the Paypal Admin group before trying to install the paypal plugin.


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I just looked at the Groups on the website, and there is no Paypal group (that was the first thing I checked for, when I saw the error message.)

I'm now in the process of (trying to) dig through the database on the server to see if there's something buried there. Once I get past the glitches in cpanel to be able to access phpmyadmin, I'll let you know. But in the meantime, there simply doesn't seem to be an existing PayPal group, anywhere.

Any other ideas?


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Location:Panama City, Republic of Panama
OK, that's what the problem was. Every time I tried to run the PayPal plugin, it was trying to create the groups. But, if there were already groups existing in the database from a previous install attempt, the install script stops working and it gives you the error message.

The same thing happened with the tables in the database. So, I had to go into the database and manually delete (drop) all of the existing tables (and groups) related to the PayPal plugin, and try again. This time, it worked.

Another question for you Ben. How do I get the "pro" version of the software? I want to use it to manage subscriptions and subscribers, but the "basic" or free version doesn't seem to support this. And when I went to your website to try to buy the "pro" version, it said it wasn't available.

In fact, the only reason I need this plugin is to manage subscriptions. So, how do I get there from here? Thanks.


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The paypal plugin support subscriptions. A user buying a subscription is added to a group and remove from the group once the subscription is over.

The pro vesrion add extra features.

Notify expiration: When the subscription of a member expires, messages are sent by email to the member and the administrator of the site to inform them. A message X days before the end of the subscription, another the same day as the end of the subscription, then another the next day.
Manual subscription: Admin can create manual subscription

You need an account to download it on geeklog.fr

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Responding to your email, there is a wiki page for the subcriptions (sell access to your content). and you can change currency on your paypal configuration page (admin/configuration.php).

Please for help, bugs report or feature request use our new tool
(Ticket plugin) available on this page.


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