Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Saturday, July 27 2024 @ 12:57 am EDT

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lib user



I am get this error now, haow can i fix it? HELP

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare user_deleteaccount() (previously declared in /home/master/public_html/system/lib-user.php:48) in /home/master/public_html/system/lib-user.php on line 131



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Need more info.

What version of Geeklog are you using?
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Does this help? http://www.geeklog.net/forum/viewtopic.php?showtopic=85520

bye, Dirk

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Hello everybody,

Looks like forum plugin doesn't like blog plugin Wink

The error is:
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare user_deleteaccount() (previously declared in /home/dealer/kasat/pkg/geeklog/demo/system/lib-user.php:48) in /home/dealer/kasat/pkg/geeklog/demo/system/lib-user.php on line 48

When I disable blog plugin the error is gone. However the question is whether it's possible, if so where, to fix the code so both plugins can be used Smile

I checked the logs and nothing's there Frown

Waiting for all input Smile

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Hello again,

just wondering what would cause this kind of error?
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare "here is the name of a function"

As I mentioned earlier, there is nothing in the logs that could help Frown

Any help appreciated Smile
Geeklog Polish Support Team

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Have not used the blog plugin, but maybe its using include instead of require_once somewhere.

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Quote by: suprsidr

maybe its using include instead of require_once somewhere.

Thank you for this invaluable tip Big Grin Looks like the problem lies within forum not blog plugin. I need to run more tests. Will confirm the success soon Mr. Green

In the meantime THANKS A LOT :shakehands:
Geeklog Polish Support Team

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