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What is the down side?

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In order to add a flash video player to a story I made the following edit in story.class.php so that I can run the script.

Text Formatted Code

    function _displayEscape($in)
        $return = str_replace('$', '$', $in);
//        $return = str_replace('{', '{', $return);
//        $return = str_replace('}', '}', $return);
        return $return;

I am the only person entering stories so no one else can insert a script.

Are there any down sides to this edit?

Is there a better way to allow scripts in stories?

Below is the script I inserted into the story.
Text Formatted Code

<script type="text/javascript" src="/flowplayer/examples/js/flashembed.min.js"></script><script>window.onload = function() {  

        flashembed("example", {src:'/flowplayer/FlowPlayerDark.swf',width: 400, height: 290},{config: {
                initialScale: 'scale',
                videoFile: 'http://www.sillig.com/Photographs/2008-07-12/023.flv'      

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You might have a look at the Autoptags plugin, and how it handles a Youtube video. If you upload a videoplayer to your site, you can make an autotag to embed the movie in a story.

Otherwise, you'll have to edit core files each time you upgrade Geeklog.
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Quote by: beewee

You might have a look at the Autoptags plugin, and how it handles a Youtube video. If you upload a videoplayer to your site, you can make an autotag to embed the movie in a story.

Thanks, I'll check it out.

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Maybe I'm missing something, but have you tried adding the script tag and all the required attributes to the list of allowed HTML (for Admins)?

bye, Dirk

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Quote by: Dirk

Maybe I'm missing something, but have you tried adding the script tag and all the required attributes to the list of allowed HTML (for Admins)?

bye, Dirk

I added the script tag and required elements.

The error message that I get is ERROR: Expected '{'.

I even tried to add { and } as attributes but I think the string replace is happening prior to the tag qualification.



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Hi gtgillis,

With Media Gallery you can embed your flv video in a story or a comment with autotag [video:XXXXXXXXXXXXXX] where XXXXXXXXX is your media ID.

See an exemple here.

I'm available to customise your themes or plugins for your Geeklog CMS

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Quote by: gtgillis

Quote by: beewee

You might have a look at the Autoptags plugin, and how it handles a Youtube video. If you upload a videoplayer to your site, you can make an autotag to embed the movie in a story.

Thanks, I'll check it out.

I installed the Autotags plugin on my test site and it works well without the need to edit any core Geeklog files.

I created autotags for both single video and multiple videos in a story.

See http://www.rudebastard.com/article.php?story=20081024092605622 for the single video.

See http://www.rudebastard.com/article.php?story=20081024082155548 for multiple videos.

MediaGallery is a nice plugin but I wanted something a little smaller to deal with the videos.

Flowplayer and Autotag is a great solution.

Thanks for the suggestion beewee.

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