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1.4.1 -> 1.5.0 Config not read

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Jerry Green

I have now been trying to upgrade from 1.4.1 to 1.5 for six weeks (see all my previous posts). I have followed all the advice given and I still have the same problem. Can anyone tell me exactly what database changes are made in this upgrade in the exact order that they occur because error messages are no help at all. With this information I think I will be able to diagnose the problem. Luckily after upgrade fails I can swiitch back to 1.4.1 files and most things seem to work.
Still getting exactly the same error at end of upgrade "1062: Duplicate entry '1' for key 1"
If I then go to view my site I get:
Fatal error: Cannot instantiate non-existent class: template in /home/sites/historyandnews.co.uk/public_html/lib-common.php on line 1481
There is an error.log file in my public_html directory with the entry:
Mon Jul 28 20:01:21 2008 - 1146: Table 'web35-jerrygreen.gl_conf_values' doesn't exist. SQL in question: SELECT name, value, group_name FROM gl_conf_values WHERE (type <> 'subgroup' AND (type <> 'fieldset'
In error.log in logs directory there are no entries.


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After finally getting to the upgrade screen, and going through the install, everything went to crap. I would delete or edit a story, and it would go through the screens, but wouldn't actually write the data to the db, nor did it error. It would tell me it had completed successfully, but then my change would not be visible. That's enough experimenting for now for me, I'm afraid. I rolled back to 1.4.1, and will keep it there until I see some posts which address these issues. Mr. Green
Luhme summa dat GL.

Jerry Green

Is there anyone out there who can help me with the problems I am having. See above.
If not what package do you recommend to replace 1.4.1 as 1.5 doesn't appear to work. Do I just wait for 1.5.1?


Quote by: Jerry Green

Is there anyone out there who can help me with the problems I am having. See above.
If not what package do you recommend to replace 1.4.1 as 1.5 doesn't appear to work. Do I just wait for 1.5.1?


Whats the info on your site for type of OS, web server, php ver? YOU may need to have someone else have a look at it. You know, get a fresh pair of eyes on it, maybe they can spot something that your just over looking. Its been known to happen, its even happened to me.


Have you tried just for grins...to see if you can install a fresh copy? If it works, then its something within your old files that you copied over. The only real files for geeklog that you need are the config.php and lib-custom.php files that I know of, that would need to be copied back over. Again, be sure to check the permissions.


Quote by: Dirk

To quote from the changelog:

- In a tradeoff between security and convenience, we decided to go with
security: The install script will no longer display the database credentials
from db-config.php. The downside is that you will have to enter them again
when doing a database upgrade or re-running the install (reported by Mark
Evans) [Dirk]

But it's not just the database info. It's everything that can be entered in the GUI during the setup. I think everything that isn't in the GUI is taken from config.php and everything that is in the GUI is taken from the defaults. Am I right?


Quote by: Guest

Quote by: Dirk

To quote from the changelog:

- In a tradeoff between security and convenience, we decided to go with
security: The install script will no longer display the database credentials
from db-config.php. The downside is that you will have to enter them again
when doing a database upgrade or re-running the install (reported by Mark
Evans) [Dirk]

But it's not just the database info. It's everything that can be entered in the GUI during the setup. I think everything that isn't in the GUI is taken from config.php and everything that is in the GUI is taken from the defaults. Am I right?

Just go with the defaults for now. Your primary concern is to get it installed and upgraded. Once you have that working, then go back and make the changes. To make it quite clear, only use the Professional theme when upgrading or installing.



Do you realize config.php has about 1000000000000 options? I rather get an answer whether everything that isn't in the GUI is taken from config.php.


Quote by: Guest

Do you realize config.php has about 1000000000000 options? I rather get an answer whether everything that isn't in the GUI is taken from config.php.

Yes I realize that...that is why I said to just go with the defaults for now. Change the obvious though. This way your not wasting to much time constantly running thru it every time.

Your not really giving us much to go on, to help you figure out what the problem is.

From start to finish. Details on what you are doing. What type of setup for the server do you have. Lets have some particulars.

OS type: Linux or Windows
PHP ver ? Did anything change in the PHP.ini file
Web Serv type: Apache or IIS

Are any of the files possibly corrupt? Did you try downloading a new copy of the archive?
Any white spaces in the files at the end of the lines that you had edited?

Please look into these areas


I think you are confusing me with someone else. Just because I'm a guest, doesn't mean you should treat all the guests as one user and ignore their usernames...and I still like to know whether non GUI items are taken from config.php.

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Quote by: Guest

I still like to know whether non GUI items are taken from config.php.

Geeklog 1.5.0 does not use the config.php at all (after the upgrade).

bye, Dirk


Quote by: Dirk

Quote by: Guest

I still like to know whether non GUI items are taken from config.php.

Geeklog 1.5.0 does not use the config.php at all (after the upgrade).

bye, Dirk

Let me rephrase - when I click the "upgrade" button, are all non GUI items taken from config.php, while all GUI items are taken from the defaults?

Jerry Green

Thanks for the reply. I was beginning to think there was no one there. I am on a Linux server with PHP 4.4.8 and MySQL 5.0.51a.
Does this help at all?


Okay I know this might be generic, but I've seen people pass right over all or some of the following. This is not an insult to intelligence or anyone's character. However, please go thru this once more to see if you may have overlooked something. Common Problems and Troubleshooting

Before you go any further, please open siteconfig.php and double check your paths! Bad paths, or typos in the paths, will cause all sorts of errors in Geeklog.

When you get an error message, please read it carefully. Even if you're not familiar with PHP, it will give you a hint about what is wrong. Pay special attention at the paths contained in the error message. As mentioned before, wrong paths are the most common cause for problems.

If you get more than one error message, always start with the very first error - the others will often go away automatically once you've fixed the first one.

Common errors (Line numbers will vary):
  • Error: Parse error: parse error in /path/to/your/siteconfig.php on line 20

    Answer: A parse error usually hints at a typo you've made. Check the file at the given line (the actual error may be in the line preceding the one mentioned in the error message).

    Common problems are:

    • not enclosing paths in single quotes properly
    • missing semicolon at the end of the line
    • using single quotes within a string (you need to write Joe's Site as Joe\'s Site, escaping the extra quote)
  • Error: Warning: main(some/path/to/system/databases/mysql.class.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /path/to/your/system/lib-database.php on line 100

    Fatal error: main(): Failed opening required 'some/path/to/system/databases/mysql.class.php' (include_path='.:/some/other/path/') in /some/path/to/system/lib-database.php on line 100

    Answer: The path that you've entered for the $_CONF['path'] variable in siteconfig.php is not correct. Make sure you typed it correctly. Also make sure it uses an absolute path, i.e. one that starts at the root of your file system (and that it starts with a / under Unix/Linux or a drive letter under Windows).

  • Error: 1050: Table 'gl_access' already exists

    Answer: You must have run the install script once before (possibly unsuccessfully). To be on the safe side, drop the database and create a new, empty database and try running the install script again.

  • Error: Parse error: parse error in ../../lib-common.php on line 2231

    Fatal error: Cannot instantiate non-existent class: template in ../../lib-common.php on line 335


    Parse error: parse error in /path/to/geeklog/public_html/lib-common.php on line 3036

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function: plg_showcenterblock() in /path/to/geeklog/public_html/index.php on line 67


    Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING in /path/to/geeklog/public_html/lib-common.php on line 3815

    Fatal error: Cannot instantiate non-existent class: template in /path/to/geeklog/public_html/lib-common.php on line 709


    Answer: All of the above cases (and similar "parse error" messages you may get for lib-common.php, typically with a line number in the 3000 or 4000 range) indicate a corrupted lib-common.php file.

    As noted at the top of this document this is usually caused by one of the following:

    • Uncompressing the tarball with certain versions of WinZip (try using 7-Zip or WinRAR instead)
    • Editing the lib-common.php with Dreamweaver or other so-called WYSIWYG HTML editors (use a simple text editor instead)
    • Editing the lib-common.php with "on-site" text editors built into tools like Cpanel (again, use a simple text editor instead)
  • Error: Warning: mysql_connect(): Access denied for user: 'username@localhost' (Using password: YES) in /path/to/geeklog/system/databases/mysql.class.php on line 104
    Cannnot connect to DB server

    Answer: First of all, make sure the database settings in siteconfig.php are correct, specifically the name and password of your MySQL user, the name of your database, and the name of your MySQL server.

    If you're running your own server, you may need to give your MySQL user proper permissions. Log in to MySQL as the MySQL root user and issue these commands:

    GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON [database_name] TO [user@host] IDENTIFIED BY '[password]';

    Replace the [lower-case] strings with the actual values.

    If you want (or need) to be more restrictive with database permissions: You will need to at least grant the ALTER, CREATE, DELETE, INSERT, SELECT, and UPDATE permissions to your database user. ALTER and CREATE permissions are only needed for installing and upgrading Geeklog, as well as for installing plugins and other add-ons.

  • Error: Warning: fopen("/some/path/logs/error.log", "a"Wink - Permission denied in /some/path/public_html/lib-common.php on line 1440

    Answer: Make sure that the logs/ directory AND the files in it have permissions of at least 775. You may need to make the permissions 777 if 775 isn't working for you. For good measure, make sure the public_html/backend directory and the geeklog.rss file have the same 775 or 777 permissions.

    Tip: Use the script that is located at http://yourgeeklogsite/admin/install/check.php to test if all the permissions have been set up correctly.

  • Whenever someone tries to log in or out, the following error is produced:

    Cannot add header information - headers already sent by (output started at /usr###/home/<userid>/public_html/geeklog/siteconfig.php:589) in /usr###/home/<userid>/public_html/geeklog/system/lib-sessions.php on line 133

    Answer: Make sure that your siteconfig.php file does not contain any "whitespace" after the closing ?> at the end of the file. I.e. there should not be anything (not even blanks or empty lines) after those two characters.

If you still have problems, please do one or more of the following:

  1. Go to http://www.geeklog.net and check out the Support section. The Support section includes a FAQ and a search system (try searching for the error message, if you get one).

  2. Visit the mailing list archives at http://lists.geeklog.net/pipermail/geeklog-users/. You can also subscribe to the mailing list and post your question to the Geeklog community.

  3. Try the chat room at irc.freenode.net, channel #geeklog. Please have all your path information in siteconfig.php and lib-common.php readily available.

  4. Try entering the text of the error message on Google. Chances are you will find someone else who had the same problem and fixed it. And sometimes searching for a specific error will cause Google to bring up broken pages that have the same error.


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Quote by: Guest

Let me rephrase - when I click the "upgrade" button, are all non GUI items taken from config.php, while all GUI items are taken from the defaults?

Not sure what you're trying to separate here ...

When you run the install script in upgrade mode, it looks for a config.php in the usual place. If it's there, the values from config.php are used to initialize the Config GUI. If it's not there or can't be read, default values are used.

The same is true for the config.php files for the bundled plugins (only that those are renamed after they're read, so you would need to undo that if you have to run the upgrade again for some reason).

The database settings go into db-config.php and a handful of other options go into siteconfig.php, mostly for technical reasons (we obviously can't read the database settings from the database ...).

And then there are a few new config options that didn't exist in config.php before - those will use defaults, obviously.


bye, Dirk


When you run the install script in upgrade mode, it looks for a config.php in the usual place. If it's there, the values from config.php are used to initialize the Config GUI. If it's not there or can't be read, default values are used.

I always see default values in the GUI even though config.php is right there (the same one that v1.4.1 read so well).[/quote]

It always tells me at first it can't find anything and I have to supply it the geeklog folder. But when I do, it doesn't seem to detect config.php there.


Although the GUI values are defaults, I can can confirm non GUI items ARE taken from config.php (for example, notification settings), so what gives?

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Quote by: Guest

Although the GUI values are defaults, I can can confirm non GUI items ARE taken from config.php (for example, notification settings), so what gives?

Sorry, but I still don't understand what you mean by "GUI" and "non-GUI" values. There is no difference, as far as Geeklog is concerned.

Are you saying that not all your old settings are copied from your config.php? If so, which ones?

bye, Dirk


There are like 10 items in the GUI (site's name, database, password, email, etc.). The others are taken from config.php behind the stage (notifications, default commentcode, etc.).

In my case, the GUI items are just defaults, so I have to fill them out manually. But it seems the non GUI items are not defaults but items taken from config.php

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Location:Stuttgart, Germany
So those are the ones you enter in the install script during the upgrade? In that case, everything is working as expected ...

bye, Dirk

Jerry Green

After a very long investigation I have found the file mysql_1.4.1_to1.5.0.php that details database changes for this upgrade. For some reason this file was not in the sql folder where such files are normally found.

the error I was getting was:

"1062: Duplicate entry '1' for key 1"
If I then go to view my site I get:
Fatal error: Cannot instantiate non-existent class: template in /home/sites/historyandnews.co.uk/public_html/lib-common.php on line 1481
There is an error.log file in my public_html directory with the entry:
Mon Jul 28 20:01:21 2008 - 1146: Table 'web35-jerrygreen.gl_conf_values' doesn't exist. SQL in question: SELECT name, value, group_name FROM gl_conf_values WHERE (type <> 'subgroup' AND (type <> 'fieldset'
In error.log in logs directory there are no entries.

I found that in the database gl_commentcodes` VALUES (0,'Comments Enabled'Wink,(1,'Read-Only'Wink,(-1,'Comments Disabled'Wink; existed. If I deleted the value 1, 'Read Only' then the update worked fine. I assume this was left over from an old version of Geeklog and had never been deleted.
I now need to test my upgraded website.


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