Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Wednesday, February 19 2025 @ 06:45 am EST
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Two days in, 1.5.0 has gone screwy on me.
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The site still displays, but all of a sudden I can't log in. I enter my user name and password and it just keeps going back to the login page.
I looked at the error log and it shows the ever-popular
I checked lib-common.php for the whitespace problem - no whitespace.
After trying a couple of times, I hit the speed limit and get
Unfortunately, an error has occurred rendering this page. Please try again
I looked that up and read the bit about setting $_CONF['rootdebug'] to 'true in config.php - but since this is 1.5, that information no longer applies.
I tried re-posting lib-common.php (having remembered reading somewhere here that it could become corrupted) and trying logging in again, and the problem persists.
Any suggestions? As I said, this has got me stumped, considering that the site was working fine for two days.
Thanks once again.
More info: I deleted my Session cookie and my ID cookie and tried again. Still can't get in.
- Don
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Yeah, moving the $_CONF['rootdebug'] option to the Configuration panel wasn't a very clever idea - when you need to change it, you usually can't get to it any more. Expect it to go back into siteconfig.php in the next release ...
Check your error.log file - it should tell you the error you're getting now (if you're still getting the "Unfortunately ..." page). See if that helps.
bye, Dirk
I went to a different computer on my network, and opened the site in Opera. I was already logged in on that machine, and posted without a problem.
So I came back to this machine (where I've got the site open in Firefox), cleared my cache and tried loggin in again. Still nothing.
I re-checked functions.php in the Nouveau theme - no whitespace.
As always, thanks for the suggestions.
- Don
More info: Started Opera on this machine and tried to log in - same problem as with Firefox.
Here's a new wrinkle!
I went to a different computer on my network, and opened the site in Opera. I was already logged in on that machine, and posted without a problem.
So I came back to this machine (where I've got the site open in Firefox), cleared my cache and tried loggin in again. Still nothing.
I re-checked functions.php in the Nouveau theme - no whitespace.
As always, thanks for the suggestions.
- Don
The best thing to do if using Nouveau with 1.5.0 is a requirement is to revert to your 1.4.1 installation, and then perform the upgrade using the glFusion bundle.
What line number does it say the output has already started, is it #35. If that is it, I'm guessing you may have a corrupt file, line #35 in functions.php is in the middle of the header comments.
Double check the line number for me and then check that line in your nouveau/functions.php file and make sure it looks right.
Nouveau as released independently as a 1.4.1 theme does not work with 1.5.0, the only way to get Nouveau for Geeklog 1.5.0 (presently) is to install the glFusion bundle which integrates the two.
The best thing to do if using Nouveau with 1.5.0 is a requirement is to revert to your 1.4.1 installation, and then perform the upgrade using the glFusion bundle.
That's odd - I was told elsewhere on this forum that Nouveau did work with 1.5.0. In fact, it worked perfectly for two days.
I was planning on upgrading to glFusion in the future, but wna to make sure I've got the database import thing straight before doing so - I've been running GL since 2006 and I don't want to lose two years orth of archives.
- Don
What line number does it say the output has already started, is it #35. If that is it, I'm guessing you may have a corrupt file, line #35 in functions.php is in the middle of the header comments.
Double check the line number for me and then check that line in your nouveau/functions.php file and make sure it looks right.
Mark -
Here's the error message from the log:
I went onto the machine on my network where I was able to post from and changed the default theme from Nouveau to Professional in Configuration, then cleared cache and refreshed the page in Firefox but the theme didn't change. It's still dhowing Nouveau as the default.
This just keeps getting more and more weird...
Thanks for the suggestion, though.
(I changed the quote of the line of code to the 'code' tag - but Dirk was right. It's line 358.)
- Don
I was planning on upgrading to glFusion in the future, but wna to make sure I've got the database import thing straight before doing so.
Just curious what you mean on the database import thing? You can drop glFusion right on top of an existing GL15 site without any DB mods. All you would have to do is go into the Plugin Manager and hit the install button for Site Tailor and possibly hit the upgrade button on any plugins that glFusion ships with that you already had installed (Forum, FileMgmt, CAPTCHA, BB2, Media Gallery). It is pretty straight forward, glFusion and Geeklog are 100% database compatible.
Quote the error message between the [ code ] tags so the smiley won't show up. I can't tell if it is referring to line 35 or another line because the forum is placing the smiley thing there.
Did you check functions.php on the line it referenced? Do you see anything odd? Can you post that line (between [ code ] tags) also.
Just curious what you mean on the database import thing? You can drop glFusion right on top of an existing GL15 site without any DB mods. All you would have to do is go into the Plugin Manager and hit the install button for Site Tailor and possibly hit the upgrade button on any plugins that glFusion ships with that you already had installed (Forum, FileMgmt, CAPTCHA, BB2, Media Gallery). It is pretty straight forward, glFusion and Geeklog are 100% database compatible.
I didn't know that! I thought I'd need to go back to 1.4.1 and upgrade to glFusion.
I'll have to go and look at the upgrade docs for glFusion and make sure of what I'm doing and I'll upgrade to glFusion later tonight if it's that easy! I've already got glFusion installed in a sub-directory so I could check it out, and I love the interface and the improvements.
thanks, Mark!
- Don
Now, what we need to focus on is why your login is failing. There were not any required template changes in the loginform.thtml, so we can rule it out. But, we know it works fine with Professional, so it does point back to the theme...
Can you check your Geeklog error.log file and see if there is anything there of interest.
Don, Now that Dirk cleared up the line numbers for me, here is what is happening. The login attempt is failing, either because you have exceeded the 'speedlimit' tries (too many bad logins in a specific period of time) or for some other reason (which we can figure out next). Geeklog is calling displayLoginErrorandAbort() which tries to send a HTML header of 403, access denied. Since the header has already been started (the login process has already called COM_siteHeader()), you get the error message that the output has already started.
Now, what we need to focus on is why your login is failing. There were not any required template changes in the loginform.thtml, so we can rule it out. But, we know it works fine with Professional, so it does point back to the theme...
Can you check your Geeklog error.log file and see if there is anything there of interest.
Mark -
Here's the latest error message dealing with users.php:
In addition, I got this line after the above line - I'm assuming that it's because I went onto the machine where I'm already logged in and tried changing the default theme back to Professional:
Thanks for your help.
- Don
I think your account is currently locked because of too many invalid logins, that is what is creating the first error. If you have access to your database, empty out the speedlimit table and see if that helps. If not, wait patiently until the speedlimit time expires (I don't recall exactly how long that is....).
The category error could be lots of things, but there was a post here recently where a user had the gsmap php_block installed and that was causing the category error. Do you have that block installed? Or some other block that is referencing the Links plugin?
I solved the problem, although I don't know why this happened.
After upgrading to 1.5.0, I changed my password. I realized I was hitting the wall with the speed limit trying to log in with my new password, so just for giggles I tried logging in with my old password.
Don't know why, but I'm in on all machines, all browsers with my old password.
Thanks, Mark and Dirk. As always, your help is really appreciated. I remain confused as to why that password thing happened, but at least I'm in and able to post again.
- Don
The current standalone version of Nouveau will only work properly with Geeklog v1.4.1. There has not been an update released that adds the necessary template tags for Geeklog 1.5.0 compatibility. This is why I think your password change didn't take. GL 15 added some new security controls that place a token on several key pages, the password change page being one of those. The token is checked on submit, if it doesn't match what is in the database, no action is taken. Since the Nouveau theme for GL141 doesn't populate that token, it will never match.
We have updated Nouveau to work with these necessary template changes, but it is currently bundled with glFusion and also has many hooks into the new Site Tailor plugin and the Caching Template Library. We haven't cut it out of glFusion and made a standalone release. Right now, I'm not sure if we will, we're still discussing the value of maintaining 2 separate versions.
I realize this is a bit confusing, so hopefully this will clear it up a little.
You mentioned upthread that glFusion will overlay over a 1.5.0 install. I'm looking at the glFusion docs, and it only deals with upgrading from GL 1.4.1 and upgrading from an earlier glFusion install.
I'm famous for missing the obvious

thanks again.
- Don
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