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1.4.1 -> 1.5.0 Config not read
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Jerry Green
Fatal error: Cannot instantiate non-existent class: template in /home/sites/historyandnews.co.uk/public_html/lib-common.php on line 1481
I have copied lib_common.php many times to the site and the same error still exists.
I have copied lib_common.php many times to the site and the same error still exists.
The problem is not the lib-common.php but that it didn't find the template class. Was that the first error message you got?
Check that your $_CONF['path_system'] is correct, which is set in the siteconfig.php file now.
bye, Dirk
Do I need to put the main config.php file somewhere different than it was in 1.4.1, or rename it
config.php is in the same place as before (for the upgrade only - it's not needed later). Make sure your webserver can read it.
But I guess there isn't actually a problem: You will have to enter the database settings when you call up the install script. We don't read them from config.php (or db-config.php, on upgrades), as that would expose it to anyone who came by before you finished the installation and had a chance to remove the install script.
To quote from the changelog:
security: The install script will no longer display the database credentials
from db-config.php. The downside is that you will have to enter them again
when doing a database upgrade or re-running the install (reported by Mark
Evans) [Dirk]
So just proceed with the installation and it will probably pick up your other settings from the old config.php just fine.
bye, Dirk
Jerry Green
Jerry Green
1062: Duplicate entry '1' for key 1
Upgrade to 1.5 seems to be a real problem - normally only problems are with upgrading my themes but this upgrade is giving real problems with the basic upgrade.
Can anybody help?
But I guess there isn't actually a problem: You will have to enter the database settings when you call up the install script. We don't read them from config.php (or db-config.php, on upgrades), as that would expose it to anyone who came by before you finished the installation and had a chance to remove the install script.
Ok, that's understandable. Thanks for the help.
Jerry Green
1062: Duplicate entry '1' for key 1
Upgrade to 1.5 seems to be a real problem - normally only problems are with upgrading my themes but this upgrade is giving real problems with the basic upgrade.
Can anybody help?
Jerry Green
Is there an easy way of doing this upgrade or does anyone know why all the above errors are occurring?
Jerry Green
I have been running Geeklog on two sites for more than six years and have upgraded and got help where problems have occurred. The support has been superb but this time no one seems to want to help.
Is there anyone out there who can help resolve the problems I am having???????
What was happening was that the contents of the db-config and the siteconfig files were being deleted. I found out that even though the files themselves were set to read/write/modify, the server was still not allowing the files to be changed. So I ended up giving the root and public_html directories themselves read/write/modify permissions. Then it worked flawlessly.
A few weeks prior to this install, I had tightened up security on my server and not realizing that it would affect installs this bad. The web server is IIS with security set very high.
If your using IIS, could this be part of the issues your having?
There's no secret trick here or anything - your config.php only needs to be readable by the webserver when the install script is run.
Since you seem to be able to run the install fine otherwise, I can only suggest that you try and set the permissions (and file ownership) for config.php just like those for your db-config.php (which should be located in the same directory anyway). The install script will both read and write the db-config.php, so if that works, it should also work for your old config.php.
Hope that helps ...
bye, Dirk
Jerry Green
II can see no change in the database - no new table with configuration settings or anything like that but when upgrade fails it seems to put a marker in the database to say upgrade is complete and won't let the upgrade to be run again - most annoying.
The first thing the upgrade does is to drop the (previously unused) gl_tzcodes table. It then changes a few things in the gl_users and gl_userprefs tables and adds the bodytext to the gl_storysubmission table.
When re-running the install, it actually checks if the bodytext is there in the gl_storysubmission table, so it must have done something.
Here's a hardcore debugging tip: In system/databases/mysql.class.php, find this line:
bye, Dirk
I copied my config.php after unloading the files, and I double checked to make sure the trailing slash was still present in the site map. Any ideas?
Luhme summa dat GL.
Dirk, I'm getting the following error when I run the install/index.php:
I copied my config.php after unloading the files, and I double checked to make sure the trailing slash was still present in the site map. Any ideas?
Did you move the db-config.php file to your public_html dir? If not, then leave out the public_html dir and have your path read as /home/rayscomm/ and nothing else. See if that works for you.
Jerry Green
If I then go to view my site I get:
Fatal error: Cannot instantiate non-existent class: template in /home/sites/historyandnews.co.uk/public_html/lib-common.php on line 1481
There is an error.log file in my public_html directory with the entry:
Mon Jul 28 20:01:21 2008 - 1146: Table 'web35-jerrygreen.gl_conf_values' doesn't exist. SQL in question: SELECT name, value, group_name FROM gl_conf_values WHERE (type <> 'subgroup'

In error.log in logs directory there are no entries.
Luhme summa dat GL.
Note the missing /. I added the slash into the URL and sent it, and was able to get to the main install page.
Luhme summa dat GL.
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