Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Sunday, October 06 2024 @ 07:38 am EDT

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Comments disappear


I am running Geeklog 1.4.1 with captcha enabled and spamx disabled. Two main problems:

If I add a second comment to a story, the original comment disappears.

After a few days, random stories have comments disappear even though the story still shows there is a comment.

The comments are gone from the mysql table and I can't find any reason. Nothing in the error.log


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Site Admin
Registered: 01/12/02
Posts: 13073
Location:Stuttgart, Germany
Hmm. Did your site start as a fresh install of Geeklog 1.4.1 or did you upgrade from an earlier version?

Something's wrong with your gl_comments table, I think. Try a
Text Formatted Code
CHECK TABLE gl_comments;
(e.g. in phpMyAdmin).

bye, Dirk


This is an upgrade. This was originally a 1.3.x installation that has been upgraded periodically.

The table check came back OK.

If it helps, I'm running:

Captcha version 3.0.2
SpamX 1.1.0 - disabled at the moment
G2Bridge 2.0
MediaGallery 1.6.0

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Registered: 01/12/02
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Location:Stuttgart, Germany
The reason I'm asking about upgrades: 1.4.0 extended the max. length of a story ID to 40 characters but left the corresponding field in the comments table at 20 characters. That was fixed in 1.4.1, but if that fix was skipped for some reason, it can lead to disappearing comments (although not quite in the way you describe it).

Anyway, check that in your gl_comments table, the "sid" field is 40 (not 20) characters long.

bye, Dirk


The sid shows 40. Here is how the table looks in phpmyadmin.

Field Type Collation Attributes Null Default

cid double No 0

type varchar(30) latin1_swedish_ci No article

sid varchar(40) latin1_swedish_ci No

date varchar(19) latin1_swedish_ci Yes NULL

title varchar(128) latin1_swedish_ci Yes NULL

comment longtext latin1_swedish_ci Yes NULL

score smallint(6) No 0

reason smallint(6) No 0

pid double No 0

lft int(11) No 0
rht int(11) No 0

indent int(11) No 0

uid int(11) No 1

ipaddress varchar(15) latin1_swedish_ci No

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Quote by: kellertechcid double No 0
pid double No 0
Double? Shouldn't those be integers?

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Site Admin
Registered: 01/12/02
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Location:Stuttgart, Germany
Yeah, the cid and pid should be int(10). Some of the others are also off: lft, rht, and indent should be mediumint(10) and uid is a mediumint(8 ). Oh, and date is of type datetime. The unused score and reason should both be tinyint(4), but that at least shouldn't matter here.

Never seen something like this before. Very odd.

I notice that comment is a longtext (originally just text). Did you make that a longtext at one point? Maybe you accidentally messed the other fields up at the same time?

bye, Dirk


I've changed everything back to normal, but it still overwrites the last comment.

Totally wierd. None of the tables have been modified ever, as far as i know.

The database has been recovered from backups once or twice and the site has migrated providers once.

Maybe then??

I'm a little worried about the rest of my db after this table screwup.

Thanks for all the insight!


The comments are still disappearing.

Should I try a new install?

And if so, is there any easy way to migrate data into the new install without possibly bringing in problems like the messed up table values?

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How many comments do you have? What about deleting all of them and thus resetting the comments?

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