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RSS and search error

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I am facing problems with RSS and Search

1. The search only shows latest postings. (I upgraded to 1.4.1) also changed servers. I used a backup to restore the database.

2. I see no RSS option... (content syndication is missing)

Please help

site: onlygizmos . com

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Registered: 01/12/02
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Which version did you upgrade from? Did you run the install script in upgrade mode afterwards? Or did you use Fantastico or some other software provided by your hosting service?

It seems other people had similar problems in the past, due to faulty updaters (over which we have no control).

bye, Dirk


Hi there

Thx for the quick reply.

Actually i did a fresh install and used the backup database file to update it.

However i wasnt techie enough to understand all that i did. Is there anyway we can get it fixed?

Specially the search part

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Quote by: sunny

Actually i did a fresh install and used the backup database file to update it.

And was the backup from the same version? If not (e.g. using a 1.4.0 backup with a fresh 1.4.1 install), you still need to run the install script over it once (to update the database).

bye, Dirk



the backup from was an older version
I actually used fantastico for upgrade...

Shall i do a manual install now over this current install? And will i need to manually restore database and images ?

If its not too much of a trouble can you give me the steps (need not be detailed)

Will this also activate the search again?


An kur


Ok i ran an upgrade on the site. This updated the Database and resolved the search issue.

but the syndication issue remains as the content syndication icon dosent show up ....

any solutions ??

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In Geeklog 1.4.1, there's a new permission for the Syndication panel. In 1.4.0, you had to be in the Root group to get access to it, in 1.4.1, there's a Syndication Admin group and a syndication.edit permission. Those are added during the update.

See if you have any of those.

Which update option did you use? Something provided by your hosting service or the tarball from geeklog.net?

bye, Dirk


i downloaded 1.4.1 and installed again ...

during install i selected upgrade option (i was on 1.4.1 already) and at the end it gave some error ...
and then when i installed again it said that the database is already upgraded!


"there's a Syndication Admin group and a syndication.edit permission. Those are added during the update." - it isnt showing Frown


as i go to http://mysite/admin/syndication.php

it gives error

Access Denied
Sorry, you do not have access to the link administration page. Please note that all attempts to access unauthorized features are logged

also my site was firsly in a subdomain geeks.mysite.com

and the a objective of the upgrade was also to bring the site to the main domain and also to change servers!

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Quote by: sunny

during install i selected upgrade option (i was on 1.4.1 already) and at the end it gave some error ...
and then when i installed again it said that the database is already upgraded!

Do you have a backup from the old version (before the attempted update)?

And the next time you run into an error, please quote it here. It's hard to tell what's going on without detailed information.

bye, Dirk


Yes i might have it? but if i load that lot of newly added info will be lost.

Please advice. Shall i take a fresh backup and make a new install then restore it?

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The problem is that your database upgrade was faulty. We found one problem with it (the missing Syndication Admin). We don't know what else may be wrong with it.

I can tell you how to add the Syndication Admin. That will fix that problem but won't guarantee that there aren't other problems.

Your other option is to go back to the last backup before the failed upgrade, do the upgrade with your new install (and I'm sure it'll work this time) and then add whatever new content you added since then.

Let's check a few things before you make that decision:

Can you have a look at the database (using phpMyAdmin or CPanel or whatever's handy)? Check if there is a "Syndication Admin" entry in the gl_groups table. If there is, does it show up in Geeklog's "Groups" list (note that you need to check "Show Admin Groups" there first, then hit Submit).

Next, when you go to the Admin's "Plugins" panel, do any of the plugins show a note that they need to be upgraded?

And finally: Create a new "normal" block. Just enter something. Do you have an option "Autotags"? If so, check it and save the block. Does that work?

Just trying to get an idea what happened in your database ...

bye, Dirk


oh i forgot to tell a few things,

i am facing some problems with blocks aswell ...

i get an error An SQL error has occurred. Please see error.log for details.

while i save or edit any block

.. Wil try the other suggestions shortly


ok i am typing it as i try...

logged in to phpMyAdmin

I can see Syndication Admin in `gl_groups`

but not in the Groups Admin - it shows the following:

All Users
Calendar Admin
Links Admin
Logged-in Users
mediagallery Admin
mediagallery Config
Polls Admin
spamx Admin
Static Page Admin


As for the plugins: i dont really know how to check if they have to be upgraded. I am attaching a link to the screenshot below.

and as i said before i am unable to create any new block (as soon as i hit save, the sql error appears.)

Also i would like to get the Rss problem fixed at the moment (if possible Blocks aswell), but plz tell me will it be allright after i upgrade to the next release of geeklog?

Thx for all the help dirk ...



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As I suspected - some things have been updated and others haven't.

The SQL error is due to a missing update to the gl_blocks table. Check your error.log. It's probably complaining about a missing field "allow_autotags".

The cleanest solution at this point would be to do the upgrade again using your old (pre-upgrade) database backup. Someone familiar with SQL could probably repair things, but that would require some work.

bye, Dirk


there is no mention of autotags in the error log.

instead wht i read is:

Wed 27 Feb 2008 00:16:19 IST - Media Gallery Error - Invalid album_id passed to album.php
Tue 26 Feb 2008 22:56:31 IST - Error communicating with SLV: Connection timed out; Message was (@xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"@)

here is a screen shot for better understanding:




Adding all the content with Media Gallery will be virtually impossible. Its too much to do manually.

Can we downgrade the version of geeklog? or simply wait for a new version (1.4.2)??

Or shall i try using a fresh backup of the database and loading it on a geeklog with media gallery preinstalled to see if it works?

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Quote by: sunny

Adding all the content with Media Gallery will be virtually impossible. Its too much to do manually.

How long has the system been damaged?

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