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Installation Problems

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Registered: 08/12/07
Posts: 1
Hello, all. I'm trying to install Geeklog and I'm having some trouble. I have ftp'd the files, changed permissions to 777 for all the directories and files listed in the documentation, edited the config.php and lib-common.php files and run install.php. Instead of coming up with the front page (which I assume it should) I get a screen that says:

Unfortunately, an error has occurred rendering this page. Please try again later.

Running check.php gives the same message. The database is being set up (at least, there are 44 tables in the DB after I run the install). I have also tried editing the config.php so that I should get the error codes instead of this message from the error handler, and I'm not getting anywhere. Any ideas??


I get the exact same message. I can get it to install, and I get the success.php page, but it does not display. Instead I get one line on the top center that says "Unfortunately, an error has occurred rendering this page. Please try again later." It really pisses me off.


What does your error log say?

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I am having the same issue.. I did change the following line

$_CONF['rootdebug'] = true;

My error logs do not have any information... any help ?


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Registered: 01/12/02
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Location:Stuttgart, Germany
Please read the above FAQ article to the end.

bye, Dirk

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