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Right / Left Block for Static Page?
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Registered: 02/04/03
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Anybody have any ideas on how I could get a right block to display for a specific static page, much the same way you could for a specific topic?
I've done a bit of PHP coding in the past, so I'm not looking for a turnkey solution - just a bit of brainstorming that may get me on the right track. The site this will be used on is a relatively static site, so I'm not opposed to hard coding the staticpage id's somewhere, either.
Anybody have any ideas on how I could get a right block to display for a specific static page, much the same way you could for a specific topic?
I've done a bit of PHP coding in the past, so I'm not looking for a turnkey solution - just a bit of brainstorming that may get me on the right track. The site this will be used on is a relatively static site, so I'm not opposed to hard coding the staticpage id's somewhere, either.

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Use a phpblock and have the block code check the current URL. If it is staticpage/index.php?id=xxx where xxx is the staticpage in question, display the content. Otherwise return an empty string. Empty blocks do not display.
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