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Chatterbox causing my site not to load

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Registered: 02/20/02
Posts: 179
i migrating my site that was on a windows box running apache/ php/mysql etc to what Geeklog should run on, a Linux box, a Fedora Core 6 box to be precise, i manage to solve all the problems that popped up except this:

2 - Invalid argument supplied for foreach() @ /var/www/html/geeklog2/chatterblock/cb_main.php line 308

it then follows by:

array(3) {
&array(2) {
string(0) ""
&array(49) {
string(9) "gl_access"
string(17) "gl_article_images"
string(9) "gl_blocks"
string(15) "gl_commentcodes"
string(15) "gl_commentmodes"
string(11) "gl_comments"
string(14) "gl_cookiecodes"
string(14) "gl_dateformats"
string(9) "gl_events"
string(18) "gl_eventsubmission"
string(15) "gl_featurecodes"
string(11) "gl_features"
string(17) "gl_frontpagecodes"
string(20) "gl_group_assignments"
string(9) "gl_groups"
string(8) "gl_links"
string(17) "gl_linksubmission"
string(11) "gl_maillist"
string(18) "gl_personal_events"
string(14) "gl_pingservice"
string(10) "gl_plugins"
string(14) "gl_pollanswers"
string(16) "gl_pollquestions"
string(13) "gl_pollvoters"
string(12) "gl_postmodes"
string(11) "gl_sessions"
string(12) "gl_sortcodes"
string(13) "gl_speedlimit"
string(14) "gl_statuscodes"
string(10) "gl_stories"
string(18) "gl_storysubmission"
string(14) "gl_syndication"
string(9) "gl_topics"
string(12) "gl_trackback"
string(17) "gl_trackbackcodes"
string(10) "gl_tzcodes"
string(14) "gl_usercomment"
string(12) "gl_userindex"
string(11) "gl_userinfo"
string(12) "gl_userprefs"
string(8) "gl_users"
string(7) "gl_vars"
string(13) "gl_staticpage"
string(8) "gl_spamx"
string(20) "gl_commentspeedlimit"
string(19) "gl_submitspeedlimit"
string(12) "gl_userevent"
string(16) "gl_cb_chatterlog"
string(15) "gl_cb_userprefs"

(This text is only displayed to users in the group 'Root'Wink

Will disabling Chatterbox solve this? Googling for this error brought me to portalparts with one other guy having this problem but no reply and was posted in june 06. (http://www.portalparts.com/forum/viewtopic.php?showtopic=6681)

If it will solve by disabling, anyway to disable it from outside the moderation page? i tried renaming that folder, of course, did not work as GL wants to load some files from that folder.

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:rtfm: Disabling a plugin

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Registered: 02/20/02
Posts: 179
Quote by: Dirk

:rtfm: Disabling a plugin

thanks a mil Dirk! it worked using:

UPDATE `gl_plugins` SET `pi_enabled` = '0' WHERE CONVERT( `pi_name` USING utf8 ) = 'chatterblock' LIMIT 1 ;

THanks again, the site is functioning now!!!

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