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Link colors in menu and stories

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Is it possible to overrule the global settings for colors on active link and mouse over etc. for the left and right menu.
I have a dark background on menu and almost white background on stories so this giveen me som headache.

Is it possible to put in a tag like this : link="#008000" vlink="#000080" alink="#800080" somwhere, or is it a easy way to do it in the css file.

I have used geeklog for 2 -3 years on several sites, and I like your work, and I have based this theme on the proffesional theme.



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See style.css, the rules for a:link, a:visited, etc (not to be confused with the one for the .non-ul class).

bye, Dirk

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But its not wery obvious for newbe that I need to add this in to the Block section in the css file.
I have seen some other posts in this forum asked about the same. so here is what I figure out how to do:

I figure out that the file leftblock.thtml call for "class="block-bg-left" Then i go in to the css file and
search for block-box-left
I find this

Text Formatted Code

/* Blocks *********************************************************************/
.block-box-left {

And add this
Text Formatted Code

.block-box-left {
.block-box-left a:link {
.block-box-left a:visited {
.block-box-left a:hover {
.block-box-left a:active {

This works for me. I do not know if this is the smartes way to do, but anyway it works.
:banana: :banana:
Thaks Tor

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Ah, my favourite topic: "How do you mark the active link?" This seems to be an almost completely neglected field in GL but it really needs good ideas!

The active link in e.g. "My Account" is being marked with useroption_off.thtml. This is quite problematic as e.g. the "Forum Index" link is not being marked as active. A GL-wide solution is wanted.

I had a look at Mambo and found that they mark an active link with id="active_menu" Can you understand what I mean? Are there any thoughts on that?

@Tubator you can also write CSS code into a block. This is good when you write manual blocks. The problem is that GL does not mark the active link.

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Sorry, but you need to explain this in detail for me.What do you mean by: mark an active link .
Pobably I cant help you because I have not a clue about this programming stuff.
I have just used a lot of hours with trial and error, and I guess I have a lot of luck.
:pray: :pray:

But So far I have figure out that "class="block-bg-left" will point to .block-bg-left in the CSS file.


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You said it works. So does the link:active show the colour FFGG00 ?

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Quote by: 1000ideen

You said it works. So does the link:active show the colour FFGG00 ?

FFGG00? GG is not valid. Color are 3 pairs of hexidecimal digits numbered 0-9A-F. The first 2 digits are the RED value, the 2nd 2 digits are the GREEN value and the last 2 digits are the BLUE value. The 2 hexidecimal digits make up a number from 0 (00) to 255 (FF). To figure out the value of the hexidecimal number you multiply the first digit by 16 and add the value of the 2nd digit. Thus colors like 800080 are 80, 00, and 80 where 80 Hex = 128. Both red and blue are 128 so you will get a medium purple color.

I suspect GG is supposed to be CC. Traditionally, Web colors are restricted to 00, 33, 66, 99, CC and FF in order to keep the palate small enough for the days when displays were commonly set at 256 color. Those days are long gone but the tradition remains.

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Well, I just quoted what Tubator had written. Personally I like the colour names very much:

Usually they work like that in a CSS: color:greenyellow;

@jmucchiello: how about any ideas concerning marking the active link in GL? This will be a hot topic when the sub-sub-sub menues have been developed and a better navigation is needed.
The only thing I found was a JavaScript how to set a class active:

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My testing has not been good enough. Its correct that FFGG00 not is a valid HTML code. Its a writing error. Thanks 1000ideen,
It`s a hex code.. Oops! I have always wonder why we put in this numbers.
I have just used Paint shop pro and pick color code from there.

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I also use Paint Shop Pro 7. Even this old version is recommendable and cheap (check out amazon second hand prices!). An alternative is the opensource editor weaverslave which includes a colour section. http://www.weaverslave.ws/new_weaverslave.82.html

Basically if you want to change the colour of links just try in the style.css. There are some definitions like a:link {background:transparent;color:#0000FF;} at the beginning.

What precisely do you want to achive? Do you have any example?

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That was also what I think when I start with working this theme, and it was also what Dirk tell me to do, but if you need to have different colors in diferent sections , like left/right blocks and main, you cant use only the global settings for link, you need to define links settings for right block and left blocks etc. That was my first qustion. Geeklog is a wery handy way to build a web site, but it require some knowlegde about : html, ftp, sql, css, etc. But i think most of the people using this, is lik me, never give up digging in to and try to understand how it works, and I also belive this reflect all the questions in this forum. And also all the answers.


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Quote by: Tubator

but if you need to have different colors in diferent sections , like left/right blocks and main

There are ways to change each block if you like. It is just that you mix up your questions. I can`t figure out what precisely you want to know. Give us a link and a description of what you want to have changed. :wink:

You can easily make menus like that one on the left side: www.visionen-gesundheit.de and I will come up and explain some more very good menus within the next 3 weeks or so.

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