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Armed robber, 7, in Lego heist


Armed robber, 7, in Lego heist

Police in Florida are looking for a little girl, aged about seven, who tried to steal Lego at knife-point.

The girl pulled a knife on a cashier at a Wal-Mart store in Largo as she tried to walk out with two boxes of Lego.

Police say the girl, aged about seven or eight, hid the toys under her coat and tried to walk out, reports Tampabays10.com.

A store employee approached the child, asking her to turn over the Lego blocks.

Police say the little girl then opened her jacket and pulled out a 10ins carving knife.

The employee talked the girl into putting down the knife and the toys. The girl then rode away on her bicycle

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Looks like we're getting more and more of this type of spam here on geeklog. And its by an anonymous user with no login. What happened to spam-x with the SLV plugin?


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Registered: 01/12/02
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Location:Stuttgart, Germany
Spam-X and SLV are working just fine, AFAICS. Keep in mind that you're only seeing the few spam posts that actually make it through, not the (much larger) amount of ones that are being blocked.

Also, with SLV the first site to be hit by a spam wave will usually have the first couple of posts get through before SLV is convinced it really is a spam wave.

In the above case, the spamvertized domain was maitl.info (one of those throwaway .info domains that seem to be popular at the moment). And I see that I got a spam post notification for the same post from geeklog.info. So SLV kicked in eventually.

With drugs/pills spam, it's easy to block even the first posts by adding those pill's names to your personal blacklist. But there isn't much in the above spam post that you could block without risking to block a few legit posts.

You will always have a few spam posts sneak through. And this time of the year, we're seeing quite a bit of spam that doesn't fall into the porn/pills category, e.g. for kitchen appliances or mattresses, and can't be blocked that easily without risking to shut out some of our users.

bye, Dirk

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If it were my call, I would disable anonymous postings. I understand that newbies who are trying to get rolling with geeklog may not want to register an account, but I think it is fair to have to register to be able to post a question and (hopefully) get responses. I know myself, I tend to stay away from the anonymous posts. If someone can't take time to register before posting their question, I don't need to take time to look at helping them. Just my $0.02.

T.Marquez Jr. -
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Registered: 11/19/07
Posts: 1
sry for bumping this old thread but i really need an information, if you can help me... how does Spam-X and SLV work???? I mean... i am quite a newbie in all this, but trying to learn. TY :helpme: Ada Arizona HR consulting

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Site Admin
Registered: 01/12/02
Posts: 13073
Location:Stuttgart, Germany
:rtfm: You may want to start with the documentation ...

bye, Dirk

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