Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Tuesday, February 18 2025 @ 08:37 pm EST

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show Create Account in the top menu when not logged in


I am using {menu_elements} so that my menu items change with the selected language, I mannaged to add "Create Account in the menu, but now I would like it only to be showed for users that aren't logged in yet.
Can someone help me with that pls?

Another thing wich I can't seem to find out
this is my menu at the moment:
[Contribute + ... + Create Account ]
there are 2 small things I would like to change at that (where can I do it):
1) remove the "+"
2) add a space right before Contribute
that would give [ Contribute ... Create Account ]

thanks for helping

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Quote by Mickey: I mannaged to add "Create Account in the menu, but now I would like it only to be showed for users that aren't logged in yet.

See the sample code in system/lib-custom.php (function CUSTOM_menuEntries)

Quote by Mickey: there are 2 small things I would like to change at that (where can I do it):
1) remove the "+"
2) add a space right before Contribute

That must be something in the theme you're using. Geeklog is using the menuitem*.thtml template files to render the menu. The '+' is probably in one of those.

And if you haven't already seen it: How do I change the menu?

bye, Dirk

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Posts: 5
I searched 2 hours on that yesterday (or even more.. no kidding..)
today it took me 10 minutes!
Thanks Dirk.

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