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Themes in 1.4.0

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I use the Digital_Monochrome theme on my geeklog site but it seems broken, or maybe just half-broken. The site looks fine but under the administrative section when I click on anything like 'Users' it gives me a Template Error due to missing directories etc...
Template Error: set_root: /home/editedoutmyusername/public_html//layout/Digital_Monochrome/admin/lists is not a directory.

Everything seems fine on the professional theme but I'd rather keep my site disabled than use it. It doesn't quite work with the satire humour on my website.


Also, that directory does not exist, I've looked. It's also not included in the tarball.


Ah, I've found your post buried on the next page. Seems kind of lazy to only fix the Professional theme, instead of like the base 4 or 5 imo.

For others: http://www.geeklog.net/docs/theme.html#changes

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Quote by Kefka: Seems kind of lazy to only fix the Professional theme, instead of like the base 4 or 5 imo.

Leaves me speechless Okay, I'm going to pretend I didn't see that comment ...

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Quote by Kefka: Ah, I've found your post buried on the next page. Seems kind of lazy to only fix the Professional theme, instead of like the base 4 or 5 imo.

Professional theme is the only one maintained by the development group all others are extra.

Feel free to help out or are you lazy.

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Quote by Kefka:Seems kind of lazy to only fix the Professional theme, instead of like the base 4 or 5 imo.

I agree! They shouldn't stop at the base four or five, but they should update all themes from all previous versions - and do it NOW. In fact, I like some PHPNuke themes - they should convert ALL PHPNuke themes for me and install and maintain my sites! They've developed and distributed a great product for free, and they owe us, dammit!

And they should wash my car, while they're at it.

And get me a sammich.

Rolling Eyes

Seriously, dude, did you think even a little before you posted that? The Professional theme has been the only official theme for quite some time.

Grow up.

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You forgot to ask for a beer.... Mr. Green
Dutch Geeklog sites about camping/hiking:
www.kampeerzaken.nl | www.campersite.nl | www.caravans.nl | www.caravans.net

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Quote by beewee: You forgot to ask for a beer.... Mr. Green

No, that's implied when demanding a sammich. The developers should automatically KNOW that my sammich comes with a beer, and that I prefer Corona with lime or Foster's.

That's their job.

They should just KNOW.


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I've just installed Geeklog 1.4.0 and I'm just finding my way around it.

When I installed the version that my hosting co. (old version) had it had a few themes but I decided to install it on another site in the end and did it manually from the latest version.

I wanted these themes so I got the tarball and unzipped them to the layout directory. I had an inkling that the new and old versions were different and it was confirmed when they didn't work and I got the errors that were mentioned in this thread. So I switched back to 'Classic' but it was already dawning on me that I would have overwritten the 'Classic' theme with the old version tarball and - yep I had!

Ho hum, I'm off to follow the details and fix that then!

Just wanted to say that I'm liking it so far but now I've found out that it don't include a free car wash, buying me a beer or even doing the shopping for me I might have to get some software that has features such as "Pay all my bills", "Spoon feed me" and especially the catch all "Just do my bidding"

LOL - cheers for the software folks - If I find I can help out then I will do ....

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Hey yall. laughin my @ss out reading the previous posts.
Coming on to more serious things. Is there a Gl 1.4.0 theme development site or something? As far as I know there are only 3 themes for 1.4.0. Those are Professional, White Pointer and Tabular Dynamics.
I read the Theme documentation and see there's been quite a few changes in GL 1.4 as far as themes are concerned.
What I want to know is : Is it possible for geeklog to support a flash oriented theme or do I have to stick with modifying *thtml themes all night long?

And while THEY are at it washing xardoz's car and makin him his 'sammich' THEY can do my laundry too. Thas all I askWink

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Quote by zaurav: Is there a Gl 1.4.0 theme development site or something?

And ideas how that should look/work? I realise it can be a pain to update some themes and if we can make it any easier or support theme authors in any way, then let's hear it.

Quote by zaurav: As far as I know there are only 3 themes for 1.4.0. Those are Professional, White Pointer and Tabular Dynamics.

... and the artNOMAD theme.

bye, Dirk

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I can volunteer to help out. I have already updated the Tabular dynamic theme for 1.4.0. Ive added files for GL messenger and various other plugins that I have. I've also edited the user profile thtml so now you have the option to pm a buddy when you click on his user page (previously there was just add buddy).
I'm no master of themes but I do mess around a lot. and I am excellent at following instructions. So if you guys have something in mind but no time for it. I could help out maybeRazz. Like copying files over from 1.4 professional theme to the other themes. I'm new to editing the thtml files itself but already i have learnt a lot .
Anyways, what I was thinking would be an awesome idea was if we could be able to implement flash based theme to geeklog. I saw a phpbb flash version and was stunned. I know to a lot of you guys its not eye candy that matters but how it functions. Well if we could give it some great eye candy (like a flash theme) I am SURE we could attract a much bigger audience with GL 1.4. Yeah I know there might be loading time issues but there ARE a lot of ppl on broadband these days and it dont matter much.
Anyways, thats just my suggestion.

Thanks for the link to artNOMAD dirk. But not just my kind of theme.
I am currently trying to create my own custom theme but thats gonna take a lot of time i guess. Ill update later.


Woah. Evil or Very Mad I'm sorry that I don't devote my life or time to Geeklog. Some of us contribute to society in other ways than developing yet another content management system. I'm no programmer, I'm also no theme expert. I'm also sorry that I assumed that the themes listed on the demo site actually worked on Geeklog, none of them do...except the professional theme. Even on the demo site, if you try to do anything they snap back to the professional theme, keeping users from being able to see how dumb most of them look under the stats section, etc.. Very very misleading.

Anyways, it's very terrible code...if it can be considered code at all...more than half the script just prints things to screen so that it looks like it's doing something. But here's the perl script I slapped together[having very little knowledge of perl] to make my life easier. This is for making the themes listed on the demo site actually work[sort of...some older themes are still going to need files copied over].

Text Formatted Code
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;

print "I will fix the $ARGV[0] theme.n";

# first fix the entire admin folder
`cp -r professional/admin/* $ARGV[0]/admin/`;
print "$ARGV[0]/admin/ fixed.n";

# now update for the FCKeditor
print "Now updating for the Advanced editor..n";
`cp professional/comment/commentform_advanced.thtml $ARGV[0]/comment/`;
print "commentform_advanced.thtml fixedn";

`cp professional/submit/submitstory_advanced.thtml $ARGV[0]/submit/`;
print "submitstory_advanced.thtml fixedn";

`cp professional/advanced_editor_header.thtml $ARGV[0]/`;
print "advanced_editor_header.thtml fixedn";
print "Finished updating the advanced editor.n";

# now fix the comments templates

`cp professional/comment/commentbar.thtml $ARGV[0]/comment/`;
`cp professional/comment/thread.thtml $ARGV[0]/comment/`;
print "$ARGV[0]/comment/ fixed.n";

# update for trackback
`mkdir $ARGV[0]/trackback/`;
`cp professional/trackback/* $ARGV[0]/trackback/`;
print "Update for trackback complete.n";

# finish the last few updates
`cp professional/preferences/profile.thtml $ARGV[0]/preferences/`;
print "profile.thtml updated.n";
`cp professional/search/searchform.thtml $ARGV[0]/search/`;
print "searchform.thtml updated.n";
`cp professional/loginform.thtml $ARGV[0]/`;
print "loginform.thtml updated.n";
`cp professional/stats/sitestatistics.thtml $ARGV[0]/stats/`;
print "sitestatistics.thtml updated.n";
`cp professional/stats/singlesummary.thtml $ARGV[0]/stats/`;
print "singlesummary.thtml copied.n";

# handle navbar
`mkdir $ARGV[0]/navbar/`;
print "$ARGV[0]/navbar/ created.n";
`cp -r professional/navbar/* $ARGV[0]/navbar/`;

print "$ARGV[0] theme update complete.n";


Drop that in your path-to-geeklog/layout folder and run it like so:
perl themefix.pl [name of the folder the theme to be fixed resides in] Make sure not to add the trailing / since it's covered and not considered in the code.

Note: This won't fix those images...that's a design flaw and is out of my control.

Would be great if someone that actually knows perl could refine the code...make it do it's job a little better.

Hey xardoz, shouldn't you be dead due to the process of natural selection or something? Unfortunately for people like me, the term is now "survival of the richest"..oh well..cross me on the street with an attitude like that and I'll straighten you out real quick. I don't care if you are over the hill with a fully developed bone structure and I am not. Someone definately needs to beat that attitude right out of you, though. Probably one of those easy childhoods where everything was given to you and you didn't have to fight for anything. Oh well, I've assumed a lot about you. I suppose, now, I can only be jealous since you are not within my reach. Either way, do the world a favor and end your blood line...soon.

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Quote by akfek:
Blah Blah Blah Blah ...

some code

Blah Blah Blah Blah ...

Rolling Eyes

Don't like the response you got here? Don't accuse the developers (who do this for free, in their spare time) of laziness, when, by your complaint, you have demonstrated your own laziness.

Besides, it's "just another content management system." You're more than welcome to use one of the others if you think the developers here are lazy, or people like me need a biker-style attitude adjustment.

Regarding your personal assumptions about me:


They reveal more about you than me.

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While there's real chance for human development, all they [humans] do is fight over petty matters that DONT even make no sense. Let go of your egos for a while.
So anyone has ideas for a flash theme for geeklog?

Radu Topan

In the demo are beautiful themes that are working, when can we have them too?

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http://www.geekdownloads.net/ has a whole load of themes they say are 1.4 compliant.

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Till now there are only like 4 or 5 gl 1.4 compliant themes. I guess "THEY" are busy working on the other themesWink. Ne ways just wanted to say that out of the 4-5 themes the best one is probably 'Tabular Dynamics'. Thats my personal opinion, Ive used the whole lot of them.


Quote by xardoz:
Quote by akfek:
Blah Blah Blah Blah ...

some code

Blah Blah Blah Blah ...

Rolling Eyes

Don't like the response you got here? Don't accuse the developers (who do this for free, in their spare time) of laziness, when, by your complaint, you have demonstrated your own laziness.

Besides, it's "just another content management system." You're more than welcome to use one of the others if you think the developers here are lazy, or people like me need a biker-style attitude adjustment.

Regarding your personal assumptions about me:


They reveal more about you than me.

Hah, you're an idiot. You think that anything you say that carries this further is going to make you some how better than me? No, you're wrong. It makes you just as bad as I am. Only difference being that I can see that. You didn't learn much in all those years on the planet, eh? Seems like even immature people like me are surpassing you. Whoops, I almost forgot, you're very immature also. I guess, I'm just better than you in every way then. Probably a scientific explination for this, however, it doesn't seem that it can be helped. You just weren't capable of finding your purpose in life. My personaly recommendation, cheerleader. I think you would've be great[G-E-E-K-L-O-G! Yay! Teehee!]. Maybe not now that you're old and withering away. But, you could still give it a whirl. Have a chance to be good at something for once in your life, you know? Actually live for once, get your blood flowing. That's usually the purpose for a biker-style anything. Nice stereotype by the way...I liked it. Were you born around the 1930s? I heard facism was popular back then too, you would've fit right in! Oh well, missed your chance at that. People like me stepped in and gave those facists a biker-style[as you would say] attitude adjustment.

The biggest difference between you and I. You talk and talk and talk, crawl these boards for something to do, for a place to fit in. Me, I go out and get shit done. You are reactive, I am proactive. Therefor, I am ahead and you are behind. Enjoy that position or make a personal adjustment before you come across some one like me who will gladly do it for you, enriching whatever time remains in your boring carebear life.

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Quote by akfek: Blah Blah Blah Blah ...

Yep, that's me.

You sure put me in my place. Embarassed

Guess I'll go weep in a corner, now.

Rolling Eyes

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