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Renaming menu elements and plugin menu elements

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Registered: 08/19/05
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How do you rename a menu element or plugin menu element? It seems to me that there is a menu element table in some file that I can change because the items in the menu_elements of config.php are just labels and you can't rename the menu_element link there. Also how would I change the name of a plugin menu element, like say "Inmemoriam" to "Photos"?


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That would be great if it were actually true but it seems that it isn't in all cases. Or else I'm just too stupid to finger it out.

For instance, I was trying to change the term 'Web Resources' to simply 'Links' so my less imaginative friends wouldn't have to wonder what the whole 'resource' thing was all about. I found item # 72 in the language/english.php file as pointed out in Dirk's post yet changing that to 'Links' did nothing.

I found another language file under the plugins/links/language/ directory. I suppose this makes sense AFTER the fact if you realize that "links" is a plugin that comes bundled with geeklog. But for me, it took some time to ferret out.

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Registered: 01/12/02
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Location:Stuttgart, Germany
Quote by andyofne: I found item # 72 in the language/english.php file as pointed out in Dirk's post yet changing that to 'Links' did nothing.

Granted, that's a leftover from the separation of the Links section into a plugin and should have been removed. Oliver is actually working on a tool to find orphaned and missing language file entries, so we hope to resolve things like that in future versions.

The FAQ entry's main purpose is to make people aware that there even is such a thing as a language file.

bye, Dirk

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