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'Out of the blue' 1064 SQL prob


This happened earlier this evening, essentially out of the blue. Once logged out of my Geeklog site, you can't get back on. The error is

An SQL error has occured. Please see error.log for details.

The error log states...

Tue Jan 17 16:36:49 2006 - 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ')' at line 1. SQL in question: SELECT DISTINCT ft_name FROM gl_access,gl_features WHERE ft_id = acc_ft_id AND acc_grp_id IN ()

Users who have remained logged in can access the site fine. It's once you log out that the site essentially disappears. No changes have been made to the database, and no upgrades have been performed.

Any ideas?


Problem solved. Found the solution in an older post of Dirk's.

Try this: Find the place in phpMyAdmin where you can enter SQL requests and type

SELECT * FROM gl_group_assignments WHERE ug_uid = 1;

This should list one entry where ug_main_grp_id = 2.

Only(!) if you do not get that entry, do this:

INSERT INTO gl_group_assignments VALUES (2, 1, NULL);

Also check that in your gl_groups table, there is a group with grp_id = 2 and grp_name = "All Users".

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Registered: 02/12/06
Posts: 2
Same problem, but a bit different message in the error.log

Sun Feb 12 12:43:41 2006 - 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'WHERE remote_ip = '' AND uid = 1' at line 1. SQL in question: DELETE FROM WHERE remote_ip = '' AND uid = 1

No upgrades or changes have been made....

Th only place I can find th remote_ip is in the gl_sessions table...
This makes no sence to me.... anyone got any good ideas?

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Registered: 02/12/06
Posts: 2
After a little more digging I found the fault Smile
A lesson to myself not to just copy a file and not editing it Embarassed
Oh well... up and running again Very Happy


2 Looterdude
thanks, this worked out for me.


Quote by: sapran

<b>2 Looterdude</b><br />thanks, this worked out for me.

hurray.... thnks for this forum... special 4 Looterdude

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