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changing the text color on one sidebar
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Is there a way to change the text color on say the right sidebar. I have managed to change the sidebar color by editing the CSS file but I only see a way to change the overall text color in that file. How would one go about changing the text color for only one side bar?
Thanks for helping Jordy
Is there a way to change the text color on say the right sidebar. I have managed to change the sidebar color by editing the CSS file but I only see a way to change the overall text color in that file. How would one go about changing the text color for only one side bar?
Thanks for helping Jordy
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edit the appropriate template file, ie, leftblocks.thtml or rightblocks.thtml.
you should also find an 'id' or 'class' name in there that you could use in your CSS file.
you should also find an 'id' or 'class' name in there that you could use in your CSS file.
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