Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Saturday, July 27 2024 @ 06:39 am EDT

Geeklog Forums

closedir() has been disabled for security reasons ??? help


I have set forum. When I create a new topic or give an answer, message "Warning: closedir() has been disabled for security reasons in /home/hoster/public_html/forum/createtopic.php on line 462" appears above fields of author, subject, text body etc. Please help. What should I do to remove this message. thanks in advance.

Status: Banned


Forum User
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Registered: 03/22/04
Posts: 1512
you can disable moods from your forum settings page, or you can edit the createtopic.php placing an @ symbol just before "closedir" on the appropriate line, like this: @closedir. That should suppress the error report.


Big Celebration Thank you very much!

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