Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Sunday, October 06 2024 @ 07:50 am EDT

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Firefox 1.5 Recent Forum Post Table

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Registered: 04/03/05
Posts: 17
I just upgraded to the latest release of Firefox (1.5) and FF now displays my recent forum posts table on the front page incorrectly (I'm using phpbbbridge). The Subject line is really wide and the Forum and Date area are thin, causing the blocks to be unnecissarily tall. I'm curious if there is a hard number for defining how wide the tables should be, or if it is judged by a percentage or other method. It's unusual how it only displays in the new FF, not Opera or IE. It might just be something that my computer is showing. Could someone take a lookt at my homepage and confirm that Firefox 1.5 displays the page the same as the image provided below. Any help is much appreciated.

Pic of what I'm seeing

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try losing the width=100% declarations in the subject <td>'s

...and yes my 1.5 installation is doing this.
1.5 seems to apply web standards a bit more consistently, therefore, I am assuming that it is this updated practice that is causing this issue, afaics.

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