Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Saturday, July 27 2024 @ 12:58 am EDT

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phpbbbridge: anonymous login remains on forum home phpbbbridge

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Registered: 08/13/05
Posts: 11
Excellent job on the phpbbbridge plugin, by the way.

I have modified gameserver theme in geeklog and the bionic theme of phpbb2 to use it with phpbbridge thanks to the instructions provided with the plugin. I've yet to be able to remove the login as an anonymous user at the bottom of the forum though. Also as you move from the forum to the home page text colours in the blocks turn from orange to yellow. see here

Any thoughts?


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I personally don't use phpBB2 that comes with the plugin. I have my own code. I just use the plugin functions. However, glancing over real quickly at the phpBB2 code that ships in the plugin, it looks like index_body.tpl has that around line 74.



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Registered: 08/13/05
Posts: 11
Got it, Thanks alot

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