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GL_gallery2 plugin Help with one part of instructions

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These are the GL_Gallery2 pluggin Instructions, I contain some ambiguity:

Installing The PluginFirst off, make sure you have a working Gallery2 installation and a working Geeklog installation.

If you have G2's URL Rewrite module installed, deactivate and remove it. Re-install it through the embedded version after you've completed the installation of the plugin. This will ensure that the correct paths are used for rewriting.

Backup your Geeklog database because the GL_Gallery2 plugin adds and modifies tables. You can do this with the built in database backup facility in the Admin menu.

Uncompress the GL_Gallery2 plugin archive while in the /plugins directory. The archive will create a directory called GL_Gallery2.

In your directory, create a directory called GL_Gallery2. Under your /admin/plugins/ directory create a directory
called GL_Gallery2.

Change to your /plugins/GL_Gallery2/ directory.
Copy the files in the admin directory to the admin/plugins/GL_Gallery2/ directory you created in step 3.

Copy the files and directories in the public_html directory (which Public_Html folder are we talking about? ) to the public_html/GL_Gallery2/ directory you created in step 3.

Are we talking about "images" directory and "index.php" becasue those are the files and directories in the "public_html" directory of the plugin archive inistall files?

Login as the user who will be the admin for the G2 installation. Go to the plugin administration page. The GL_Gallery2 plugin should show up with a link to install it. Click it.

The install page will tell you if the install was successful or not. If not, examine the Geeklog system errorlog in /logs to see what the problem was. Fix it and re-install.

Note: This plugin creates blocks which you should not remove manually. It is fine to disable them, but the plugin expects them to exist. They will be removed if you choose to remove the plugin.

I have messed this up about 3 time already and had to reinstall GL and Gallery because of it. So if anyone can decipher these instructions without guessing, I would appreciate this.


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Are we talking about "images" directory and "index.php" becasue those are the files and directories in the "public_html" directory of the plugin archive inistall files?


- Andy

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Thanks for the quick response. I spen a lot of time on this one tryig to get it right but not this time.

I got this error message:

Text Formatted Code

Warning: plugin_getheadercode_gl_gallery2(/var/www/docs/gallery2/embed.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/jordydme/geeklog_data/plugins/GL_Gallery2/functions.inc on line 201

I got a white page at first but went to the FAQ's and learned how to alter the lib-common code to get the browser to display the error. i also deleted white space in this file as well.

i searched for the error "plugin_getheadercode" but came up with nothin gfor that one.

The fact that this: '(/var/www/docs/gallery2/embed.php" is in the error makes me think that I did not change something becasue that looks like an example in one of the config files. Am I right on that?

At this point I am able to still hit the back button and get the pluggins page but I still keep getting this error message when I hit "install." I am afraid to close browser as i did this last time and then i was locked out.

Any help on this would be great. I would love to get this done tonight.


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Just figured out that I had to edit the GL_gallery2 config file. I don't recall there being any mention of that in the install instructions. Probably obvious to the experienced user.

Now I get this error:
Text Formatted Code
The requested URL /geeklog/GL_Gallery2/index.php was not found on this server.


The pluggin says it's installed but the path to gallery through my random image block is broken. Same thing for the Gallery2 link in the side bar. iI know this is a path issue. Just not sure where to put that config.

Man i read these directions over and over. Seems there are some holes for inexperienced users.


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I don't recall there being any mention of that in the install instructions.

Look at the section called Configuring The Plugin right after the install instructions:

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The only thing you <i>must</i> do is configure your paths by setting<br />$_GLG_CONF['G2_path'] and $_GLG_CONF['G2_relative_path'] in your<br />GL_Gallery2 config.php. These are explained in the file.

But you're right - maybe I should make it more explicit in the install instructions themselves.

Man i read these directions over and over. Seems there are some holes for inexperienced users.

Which is why in the announcement I wrote:

"It's a bit skimpy on features and documentation at the moment..." Laughing

If you have any specific suggestions for improvement or clarification after your ordeal, that'd be great.

- Andy

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Thanks Andy,

This is what I wrote in my GL_Gallery2 config:

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$_GLG_CONF['G2_path'] = '/home/jordydme/public_html/gallery2';

$_GLG_CONF['G2_relative_path'] = '../gallery2';


I am still getting this error:
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The requested URL /geeklog/GL_Gallery2/index.php was not found on this server.


The error "/geeklog/GL_Gallery2/index.php was not found " does not surprise me since there is no "GL_Gallery2" directory in my public geeklog directory. I put the "GL_Gallery2" directory in my "public_HTML" Directoy becase that's what I though the directons wanted me to do. Should I have put the "GL_Gallery2" Directory in the public geeklog directory? or Am I jsut not configuring somethig correctly?

This is quite confusing.

My directory structrue is like this:



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ok, so I found ou that I needed to move my GL_Gallery2 folder from my Public_html directory to my public/ geeklog directory. I messed this up because the instructions were ambiguous.

So I am a bit closer now. everything looks good except no images, just the image place holders. It seems that GL is loking for G2 in my public Geeklog directory but my install of G2 is in it's own gallery2 directory in my website public_html directory.

i looked at the GL_Gallery2 config paths and they look right as seen in the above post. However something is telling GL that Gallery2 is in my geeklog public directory when it's not.

My site is:


Any ideas?


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The link to your directory structure does not work - can you tell me the full path to the gallery2 directory [looks like it's /home/jordydme/public_html/gallery2] and your $_CONF['path_html'] setting?

In the docs, when I refer to <public_html>, I'm referring to the directory where your lib-common.php file may be found.

- Andy

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Hey guys,

Just browsed to the site.

Looks like since the GL_Gallery2 is installed at http:/domain.com/geeklog/GL_Gallery2 the relative path to http://domain.com/gallery2 from the first should be ../../gallery2

Thus the following line in the plugin config.php,

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$_GLG_CONF['G2_relative_path'] = '../gallery2';


should be

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$_GLG_CONF['G2_relative_path'] = '../../gallery2';


This should fix the random block on the main geeklog page too.



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Thanks Ajay. I just looked at the site and I believe you are correct...

- Andy

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Thanks guys! that was it!. Seems to be in working order now.

I want to help clear some things up for myself and anyone else that might find this post and is having the same sort of trouble interpreting the instructions.

Question to Andy:

So when you say in your instructions:

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"In your <public_html> directory, create a directory called GL_Gallery2. Under your <public_html>/admin/plugins/ directory create a directory called GL_Gallery2. "


Do you mean?

in the public part of your geeklog directory create an empty directory called, GL_Gallery2 then in that same public geeklog directory, create another empty GL_Gallery2 directory under admin/plugins/.

Is that essentially what you meant? Just want to be clear for my own sanity and maybe help someone else.

THANK YOU SO MUCH for taking the time out to help me. it made all the time I put in worth while. Razz


PS to Ajay

Man, I would love to have a more detailed explanation of the code you mentioned

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$_GLG_CONF['G2_relative_path'] = '../../gallery2';


I don't really understand that double slash thing or what the code actually meanso r does. Can you reccommend a good source for learning what these comands actually do?

thanks for the help in this ordeal.

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Since GL_Gallery2 is an integration plugin, it still uses code from the originall gallery install for all the functional aspects of displaying albums etc... So we need to tell the plugin where the original G2 stuff is. That line in particular sets the value of a variable (stuff after $ and before = ) to the relative path from GL_Gallery2 to where the original gallery2 files are. To understand more about this, lookup any introductory book on PHP.

The ../ and ../../ behavior is used by php just as in any command-line interface. If you are not familiar with using a command-line interface - here's an introduction to how you can traverse directories.



Thanks for the suggestions and the link. Much appreciated.


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my plugin is not working. I think that I have everything as it should be however I can't get it to work.

my site is http://forum.dcmotoring.com
my gallery is http://forum.dcmotoring.com/gallery2

i can get the plugin to install and i have the gallery installed i just can't get the two to intergrate. I have read this whole post and I still can't find the problem, please help Banging your head
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Your plugin seems to be installed...
see here:

The images are not showing since there is a wrong relative path in the config.php of the plugin. Change it to read "../gallery2" (since going from GL_Gallery2 to gallery2 involves this operation).


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samething no joy. my lib_common.php is located in /public_html my gallery2 directory is loacted in /public_html so with that in mind my relative path should just be gallery2, but like i said no joy, this shouldn't be this hard
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If you look at the source of the page you see at yoursite/GL_Gallery2,
you see the following:

Image source for first image:

Link URL for first image:

These are both wrong. Can you post the relevant lines in the GL_Gallery2 config.php so that we can take a look where the problem is?

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