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Default Admin login and password


I just intalled GeekLog but cannot access Admin.

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Location:Stuttgart, Germany
Read the FAQ Try reading the first story on your new site ...


I have the same problem.

Something is going wrong with my installation - it displays the success page and advises me to read the first story - except that there is no story.

Is there a default admin usr/pwd combination - or is it installation specific?

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Location:Stuttgart, Germany
Quote by Johannes: it displays the success page and advises me to read the first story - except that there is no story.

If there is no story when you go to your site's front page (following the "click here" link from the success page), then something went wrong with the install and you should attempt it again.

Quote by Johannes: Is there a default admin usr/pwd combination - or is it installation specific?

Username: Admin, password: password

bye, Dirk


Thanks for your swift reply Dirk!

Just to rule out some oversight on my part, here is what I'm doing:

1. Unpack the files, put on webserver. (Apache2 on WinXP, no issues with access rights).
2. Edit config.php and lib-common.php.
3. Create DB and user with all privileges on it.
4. go to public_html/admin/install/install.php
5. Choose "New database" installation, enter correct path to config.php
6. Proceed to step 2, do not select InnoDB.
7. Click on next. At this point browser shows it's waiting on webserver, then page turns blank.
8. I can see that 41 tables have been created in my database - but I'm wondering whether all the necessary values have been entered. The sum total of records is 168 - is this normal?

The only way for me to get to the success.php page is if I go through the installation process and (incorrectly) select the upgrade process.

Nevertheless, and without doing the upgrade installation, I can get to the Geeklog basic root page - but no user actions work.
Can't log in as admin (with Admin/password), can't create new users:
Fatal error: Account creation for user 'NewUser' failed. Please contact the site admin.

All of the above makes me think I have a MySQL issue, any thoughts on this?

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Registered: 01/12/02
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Location:Stuttgart, Germany
Quote by Johannes: 7. Click on next. At this point browser shows it's waiting on webserver, then page turns blank.

Read the FAQ Blank page


(I'm running Apache/2.0.55 (Win32) PHP/5.0.5, MySQL 5.0.15)
Thanks again Dirk for the swift reply.

I should have mentioned that I had already made the necessary changes to my php.ini file. No errors are reported in the browser, nor do they appear in my error.logs.

Do you know if there is a documented and fixed number of entries that should exist in the database for a fresh installation?

My main concern is that since there is at least 1 default user (namely "Admin") he should have some entries in the table "gl_users" - which contains no record in my case.

How could I try to test where in the installation I'm having trouble?



...to follow up on my own post - and provide more info for the gurus out there:

The tables should be created and filled by mysql_tableanddata.php. When able to run properly, this file should creat 41 tables and fill those tables with 248 records (or I would think so, by counting "CREATE TABLE" AND "INSERT INTO").

In my case, I have 41 tables and 168 records only. It looks like all the records for tables including gl_statuscodes are entered correctly, but from gl_stories and no records are entered.

Any thoughts on why these remaining tables are not filled correctly?

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Location:Stuttgart, Germany
3 accounts are created by default: Anonymous, Admin, and Moderator. Each of the users tables should therefore have 3 entries. If they don't, then something went wrong.

It may very well be a problem with MySQL 5 - not sure if anyone has tested Geeklog with MySQL 5 yet.

Compare the contents of the tables with sql/mysql_tableanddata.php. That file is processed pretty much from top to bottom. First it creates the tables (41 of them), then it fills them with data (and lastly adds some indexes, but it probably didn't even make it to that stage in your case).

Since you seem to have full control over your setup, please try to switch on all debugging / error reporting options you can think of. There must be an error - and therefore an error message - somewhere ...

bye, Dirk


Problem solved!

The problem was in fact SQL related. The table gl_stories has no default values for date - setting a default value solved my problem.

Here is the original code, mysql_tableanddata.php starting at line 372:
Text Formatted Code

$_SQL[28] = "
CREATE TABLE {$_TABLES['stories']} (
  sid varchar(40) NOT NULL default '',
  PRIMARY KEY  (sid)


I simply added a default value, resulting in:

Text Formatted Code

$_SQL[28] = "
CREATE TABLE {$_TABLES['stories']} (
  sid varchar(40) NOT NULL default '',
  expire DATETIME NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
  PRIMARY KEY  (sid)


This solved the installation problem, I now have 41 tables filled with 248 records (as the original count for insert statements suggested).

Thanks for all your help - something tells me I might need it sometime soon Wink

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Registered: 01/12/02
Posts: 13073
Location:Stuttgart, Germany
Quote by Johannes: I simply added a default value

Makes sense. Will fix that in CVS.


bye, Dirk


Hi, im having this problem - but not with mysql etc (my tables are populated) - so it would seem a cookie problem. Everything on install went well so not a problem!

the problem i recon is because im using a sub domain - and not a second level domain. i have added into the config.php file the following information:

$_CONF['cookie_path'] = '/';
$_CONF['cookiedomain'] = 'mysub.mydomain.biz'; // e.g. '.example.com'
$_CONF['cookiesecure'] = 0;

Is this ok, or am i going wrong here?
If not other than the reasons listed on this stie - could there be any other reasons why i cant log in?

Thanks in advance,



checking the access log shows it as if no one has tried to log in - getting 'dummy entry'.
I checked permissions - all fine.

The site is running off my own linux box - so any server admin questions let me know Wink


one more thing - it identifies me as a guest though! So it knows im here (maybe by ip i donno)

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Site Admin
Registered: 01/12/02
Posts: 13073
Location:Stuttgart, Germany
Read the FAQ I can't log in.


Thanks for your reply...

yep thanks for that, but already read and tried (sorry if i dint make that clear) - so what next?


i just tried setting my cookiedomain to the following:

$_CONF['cookiedomain'] = '.';

I have had no luck with that. What is interesting is no cookie attempt has been made, as my browser(s) dont report saving it. Im confused!

Can someone help me


try to remove the first dot, I mean not . ...


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