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Count Down Timer


Haven't seen a count down block either, but I needed one, so here it is.

/* Jeremy's countdown timer */
function phpblock_countdown() {

// enter start date below like this: "January 2, 2001"
$end = "May 13, 2006";

// enter string of what this start date is.
$text = " until our wedding!!";
$textOnTheDay = "Today is the<br />wedding day!!!";
$textAfterwards = "We're married!!!";


$retval .= ' ';

$now = strtotime ("now&quotWink;
$then = strtotime ("$end&quotWink;
$difference = $then - $now;
$num = $difference/86400;
$days = intval($num);
$num2 = ($num - $days)*24;
$hours = intval($num2);
$num3 = ($num2 - $hours)*60;
$mins = intval($num3);
$num4 = ($num3 - $mins)*60;
$secs = intval($num4);
if ($days>0 || $hours>0 || $minutes>0 || $seconds>0) {
$retval = $days .' days<br />' . $hours . ' hours<br />' . $mins . ' minutes<br>' . $secs . ' seconds<br />' . $text;
else if (($days==0) && ($hours<=0 || $minutes<=0 || $seconds<=0)) {
$retval .= $textOnTheDay;
else {
$retval .= $textAfterwards;

return $retval;


That is exactly what I was looking for AND it works great! Thanks jeremy1701!

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here is an easy on that I have used here and there...
Text Formatted Code
function phpblock_countdown(){
  // Change the Dates to meet your needs
  $day = 23; // Day of the countdown
  $month = 8; // Month of the countdown
  $year = 2004; // Year of the countdown

  $retval = ('There are ' . (int)((mktime (0,0,0,$month,$day,$year) - time(void))/86400)
    . ' days left \'til the <i>insert event here</i> goes online');

  return $retval;


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Good ideas! machinari could you extend that to hours, minutes and seconds as well? Sound like a silly question, but I don`t know php.

It would also be nice if another message would be displayed if the countdown is done, e.g. "The show is on now!"

Aaaand another problem, how could a user input the time online? Hm, maybe a stupid idea, but could I write a story with a specific ID like "countdown" in which I only type:

$seconds = 00; // second of the countdown
$minutes = 59; // minutes of the countdown
$hours = 12; // hours of the countdown
$day = 23; // Day of the countdown
$month = 8; // Month of the countdown
$year = 2004; // Year of the countdown

And maybe the additional features of Jeremy:
$text // what event
$textOnTheDay // text on the hour of event
$textAfterwards // text after the event

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Text Formatted Code

$timeLeft = ((int)(mktime ($hour,$minute,$second,$month,$day,$year) - time(void));
if ($timeLeft <= 0) {
    $retval = 'The <i>insert event here</i> is now playing!';
} else {
    $retval = 'There are ' . $timeLeft . ' seconds left until the <i>insert event here</i> goes online');
return $retval;

with a bit of math you can change $timeLeft into years, months, days, etc.
Hope that helps. I didn't test it so I dunno if it works. You can find all kinds of scripts like this around the net.

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oh, and if you wanted to enter the time into a web form, you could store the event date in the database and just run a query for the date from within this function.
easy as pie! Confused

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Thanks, you are so right with "You are limited only by your imagination..."

After writing this I got one more idea. What I hope someone to develope is a podcast plugin and if it is for GL then it should be one that is 3 times better than any other. Wink

So I have 2 things in mind. The one is this countdown and the other thing is a teaser box telling you intelligent random things like "did you know about ...?"

I put some more ideas into the countdown timer:

Text Formatted Code
function phpblock_podcastcountdown() {


// find stories in topic e.g. "podcast" with future date, compare if this date is in the future or present time plus 1 hour.
Iif there are more than 1 stories choose the next story, if there is no story then don't activate block

//end of countdown = story_date
$countdown_end = {story_date};

// countdown event = story_title
$countdown_event = till the next podcast: {story_title};

$text_on_countdown_event = The podcast is on!

$retval .= ' ';

$now = strtotime ("now");
$then = strtotime ("$countdown_end");
$difference = $then - $now;
$num = $difference/86400;
$days = intval($num);
$num2 = ($num - $days)*24;
$hours = intval($num2);
$num3 = ($num2 - $hours)*60;
$mins = intval($num3);
$num4 = ($num3 - $mins)*60;
$secs = intval($num4);
if ($days>0 || $hours>0 || $minutes>0 || $seconds>0) {
$retval = $days . $LANG_WHATSNEW[days]'' . $hours .  $LANG_WHATSNEW[hours]' ' . $mins . $LANG_WHATSNEW[minutes]'  <br>' . $secs . $LANG01[92]' ' . $countdown_event;
else if (($days==0) && ($hours==0 || $minutes<=0 || $seconds<=0)) {
$retval .= $text_on_countdown_event;
else {
//deactivate block!

return $retval;

Uh, this is code gibberish but you get the idea? One should not have to creep into the lib-custom every time to change anything and it should be international.

I`m sorry but my knowledge is more on ideas and concepts rather than detailed programming...

Indeed you find scripts on the net. The above "Jeremy's countdown timer " turned out to be by Jennifer the scriptygoddess. http://www.scriptygoddess.com/archives/2002/05/23/count-up-timer-in-php/

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Rather than the countdown just be accurate at the time of loading the page is it possible that the countdown timer, actually counts down as you look at it in real time. In other words is there some way to actually constantly refresh it?

Those who say it can't be done, are usually interrupted by others doing it.


Quote by: ofey

Rather than the countdown just be accurate at the time of loading the page is it possible that the countdown timer, actually counts down as you look at it in real time. In other words is there some way to actually constantly refresh it?


Not sure if you found a solution to this but this is what I use.

Text Formatted Code
<script language="JavaScript1.2">
function setcountdown(theyear,themonth,theday,thehour,themin,thesec){

//////////CONFIGURE THE COUNTDOWN SCRIPT HERE//////////////////

//STEP 1: Configure the countdown-to date, in the format year, month, day, hour(0=midnight,23=11pm), minutes, seconds:

//STEP 2: Change the two text below to reflect the occasion, and message to display on that occasion, respectively
var occasion=""
var message_on_occasion="Election Dayt"

//STEP 3: Configure the below 5 variables to set the width, height, background color, and text style of the countdown area
var countdownwidth='140px'
var countdownheight='90px'
var countdownbgcolor='clear'
var opentags='<font face="Verdana"><mediuml></font><font color="blue">'
var closetags='</medium></font>'

//////////DO NOT EDIT PAST THIS LINE//////////////////

var montharray=new Array("Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec")
var crosscount=''

function start_countdown(){
if (document.layers)
else if (document.all||document.getElementById)
crosscount=document.getElementById&&!document.all?document.getElementById("countdownie") : countdownie

if (document.all||document.getElementById)
document.write('<span id="countdownie" style="width:'+countdownwidth+'; background-color:'+countdownbgcolor+'"></span>')


function countdown(){
var today=new Date()
var todayy=today.getYear()
if (todayy < 1000)
var todaym=today.getMonth()
var todayd=today.getDate()
var todayh=today.getHours()
var todaymin=today.getMinutes()
var todaysec=today.getSeconds()
var todaystring=montharray[todaym]+" "+todayd+", "+todayy+" "+todayh+":"+todaymin+":"+todaysec
futurestring=montharray[mo-1]+" "+da+", "+yr+" "+hr+":"+min+":"+sec
//if on day of occasion
if (document.layers){
else if (document.all||document.getElementById)
//if passed day of occasion
else if (dday<=-1){
if (document.layers){
document.countdownnsmain.document.countdownnssub.document.write(opentags+"Occasion already passed! "+closetags)
else if (document.all||document.getElementById)
crosscount.innerHTML=opentags+"Occasion already passed! "+closetags
//else, if not yet
if (document.layers){
document.countdownnsmain.document.countdownnssub.document.write(opentags+dday+ " days, "+dhour+" hours, "+dmin+" minutes, and "+dsec+" seconds "+occasion+closetags)
else if (document.all||document.getElementById)
crosscount.innerHTML=opentags+dday+ " days, "+dhour+" hours, "+dmin+" minutes, and "+dsec+" seconds "+occasion+closetags

<ilayer id="countdownnsmain" width=&; height=&; bgColor=&; visibility=hide><layer id="countdownnssub" width=&; height=&; left=0 top=0></layer></ilayer>


You can see it working here - http://www.noexceptionfees.com


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Thanks Wal for the code. But how would you change the code to count only in second or only in days a or whatever?


Those who say it can't be done, are usually interrupted by others doing it.


Quote by: ofey

Thanks Wal for the code. But how would you change the code to count only in second or only in days a or whatever?


Hey Shane

Up the top in the three sections I have coded a way of setting the count down to work, if you want to show only the days you will have to modify the body of the script.

I would do it for you but I am very busy and on a huge deadline for a project due next week.



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No problem. I'll play around with the code anyway.

Thanks for the code you have put up, it's a great help.

Those who say it can't be done, are usually interrupted by others doing it.

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