Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Saturday, February 08 2025 @ 02:57 pm EST

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Display link and info


I would like to have a word a day on my site. Ideally, the word and the definition. The feed I'm trying is http://www.wordsmith.org/awad/rss2.xml.

The problem is that only the word is showing. I can click on it and then see the definition but I would rather be able to see a short definition right there. Is there a way to do this?

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Using an rss feed pretty much means you get what they give you. What use would their site have if you could get both the word and definition from the rss feed. By just giving the word ensures that you will visit their site to get the definition.
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True, it would reduce the likelyhood of a click. But if you click on the link I posted to the feed you can see that they include the info I want in the xml.

I don't know enough about it to know if what I'm asking is easy or not. But I think it should be since that info is in the xml.

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I did click on the link you posted otherwise what value would my answer have. Razz

Even if you can change the content of an xml link, it would not be dynamic (update automatically). The link you posted updates the content with the new words every so often rather hours or days. Maybe try emailing the site to see if they have another feed that will do as you need.

Unless anyone else knows of a way, I stick with my first reply; you get what they give you.

regardless good luck
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Wordsmith.org: This week's words
Copyright 1994-2005 Anu Garg
This week's words in A.Word.A.Day
I'm a little confused. Here is what I see today when I click on the link:


1. A person's own name, as distinguished from a pseudonym.
2. A work published under the real name of the author.

I see the word, and two definitions. All the info I want to see is available. However, what I see on my geeklog site is just the word autonym. I don't see either of the two definitions. I guess what I'm asking is - is there no way to parse the info in the rss feed? Or no way to parse it within the php block?

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Quote by kcrothers:

This just tagged info as with "title", "description", etc. tags in html.

Quote by kcrothers:
is there no way to parse the info in the rss feed? Or no way to parse it within the php block?

As far as I know, all you can use in geeklog is the rss link. There is no php code in it to parse in php block.
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sure hope you guys are talking about a portal block and not a php block... Shocked

that might be the problem right there.

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